Why do chinks hate Japs and White people so much?

Why do chinks hate Japs and White people so much?

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Inferiority complec.

>Why do chinks hate Japs and White people so much?
Jealousy. I’d be jealous as well if I was Chinese and constantly starving, seething, and poor.

They’re nothing but Jewish slaves.

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I mean Abe went out of his way to support Taiwan, visited Yasukuni shrine, kept calling China a threat and his grandfather was a governor of Manchukuo and proabably had a lot of influence on Unit 731.

I'm honestly a flat out China hater but its incredible westoid media act like Chinks are brainless automotons who only think that way because of patriotic education. I mean the S. Koreans are making the same exact comments online and korean patriotism is not cool with the current generation. Also Chinese internet users are surprisingly well informed about goings on in the west. There's censorship about a lot of Chinese history but they still absorb a lot of information. I bet the average Chinese view of America is more accurate than the average American's view of China which is prob some boomer vision of poor chinese peasants in Mao suits.

the internet addicts are not unlike anywhere else in the world. those who live on the internet and absorb information all day will know their shit, no matter the country. the so-called firewall is an absolute joke, same as any other country. of course its always the same story about them downplaying their actions into something so simple-minded

Kek but white people are hideous

> t. brown inbred trash


China was always the big swinging dick in the region for hundreds of years. When Japan saw their chance to be the big swinging dick, they took it and chopped a big part of China off for themselves. They also committed a lot of atrocities. Then the US dropped two bombs on Japan and made sure they could never be the big swinging dick ever again. Now China is the big swinging dick again, but they can't take revenge because Japan has the US on their side, and the US is the biggest dick in the world. So now they fuck with each other with boarder disputes over islands no one actually wants. Japan also supports Taiwan just to fuck with China. They've never liked each other. They'll never like each other.

twink japfags sure love to deny responsibility for nanking

Because we've been raping them for a whole century desu

If you occupied China they never forgive you.

You realize the boomerang has just swung back and hit you europoor right in the head .

The next victim of Century_of_humiliation is Europe, enjoy being US & China's baytche .

PS: The Chinese wont forget, they have never forgotten .

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Chinkland will fall apart before Europe. The CCP does not have the mandate of heaven. Europe will instead be absorbed by the french caliphate

Boy, did you type that with confident while Germany is going to seize your country's oil?
Fuck yeah mate, does it matter?
With shits goes on, EU will be the first to collapse.

>Chinkland will fall apart before Europe.
China is collapsing faster then a newly built Chinese building.

A year from now they will deny the chinese had this reaction just like the dancing israelis

Says the white hispanic guy - who blames the state of his shithole nation on Jews keeping his people down. Kek.
>Dey brainwash muh people

>See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit

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Inferiority complex.

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>Europe will instead be absorbed by the french caliphate
hahahahaha that sounds just as worse, the last time that happened was before the Crusades when Europe was basically sodomised by the Saracens .

>by the French
I giggled a little . .

so basically your end game is end of the world as we know it ?

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I don't get chinks, they fucking love Japanese vidya, animu, music and fashion but fucking hate Japan itself.
