I missed todays Timcast

I missed todays Timcast

What did he say Any Forums?

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Why are you niggers trying to connect Tim with Any Forums? No one is talking about him until you niggers create threads about him

who cares

He said, “O.P. Is a faggot.”

Some little girl said globohomo

He had some "based black man" on and they talked about Elon Musk

buy an ad

What did he mean by this?

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Tim Pool is bald.


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He took his beanie off!

>Civil War
>Occam's razor
>I believe the 2020 election was legitimate
>I'm a center left leaning libertarian
>harrumph I say
>I'm mixed race

>Vice News
>Jordan Peterson
>Alex Jones

if i remove his beanie, what happens?

He said race mixing good
but he didnt say white man bad so he is evil scum

Extreme pain.

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He likes sucking dick.

hey guys check this thread

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also, tune in to his chicken coop livestream

Someone did once and it resulted in one of the most awkward and cringe interactions in history

Same shit. Diff day.

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imagine being a grown man and refusing to expose your own scalp. relegated to wearing the same beanie everyday. fucking pathetic.

Attached: TIM POOL BEANIE MAN.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

He's going to look into having livestream barefisted boxing matches between Ian and catholic priests

Bla bla bla bla.... swat....blah blaaaaaah blah...bla bla bla

Look user, I get why you’re doing this but running around spamming that shit everywhere is having the opposite effect. This board isn’t your personal advertising space. I was on the fence regarding abortion but after seeing you keep doing this I have the urge to throw a fetus into a woodchipper.


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Nobody knew who I was until I put on the hat

you're going to make me choke on my dinner you fucking ass hole

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Hahaha I can imagine.

It's really not even that bad.