Is every aspect of your life better if you’re born very attractive?

Is every aspect of your life better if you’re born very attractive?

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Yes but it may bring it’s own problems

Yes. I was a fat kid who lost the weight and bloomed in the last 2 years of high school and the treatment was night and day. I’m always kinder to ugly and fat people because of this. God showed me his grace and I’m gonna show them show them mine :)

>Is every aspect of your life better if
At the start, yes, and then your reach the mountain top and realize how far down the rest of the way is. Meanwhile, the ugly fucker who life kicked the shit out of daily is reading a book and making tea.

Such as?


Good for you user

Is it worse to be known as a self centered ego maniac with looks like Brad Pitt or a humble ugly man then?

Yeah. I was the ugly duckling in middle school and life sucked for me. When I was 21 I was offered a job by Polo Ralph Lauren as a model. Life is a hell of alot better now.
For you

it's worse to be known as an ego maniac because you die lonely as everyone flees from you

People treat you better if you're attractive. This is a black pill so be caeful.



>humble ugly man
the problem is that ugly-looking people become evil because they are tested poorly. it's a vicious cycle. but it's not normal people's fault that someone is ugly!

Agree. I'm pretty good looking. I feel grateful bc people treat you better. During masks pandemic people I could tell a difference in how was treated, was weird. But yes also has its own problems

treated poorly *


All the PUA shit doesn't apply to you. You can just show up, wherever you are, bar or nightclub or even a hospital, girls will flock to you. You don't even have to do anything. Just sit there, exist. It's like a cheat code.

Same with jobs, networking in college, making friends, just living life in general. People will be nicer to you and give you free stuff

But listen to this guy he's right. The biggest problem is paranoia. You don't know who to trust. And you will get bored of fucking different girls all the time with dumb personalities. Trust me

>God showed me his grace
yea I bet he did, try eating like a pig to see if it holds


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Mostly. Although some really good looking people are dumb as rocks or have no personality because they never had to develop beyond their looks.

I heard one of the biggest black pills is this dude in picrel.

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Well obviously I put the work in of getting fit but he blessed me with good looks, hair, skin.

Ugly people tend to overcompensate with nicer personalities and it comes off as desperate and weak, which no one likes.

Ugly people cannot be arrogant alphas because people will just remind them they're ugly

my life would be 100 percent better if I was born fully white.

>he blessed me with good looks, hair, skin.
you are a product of your parents, not God

i have to imagine it is
being ugly sucks since nobody ever cares about you. i know this personally

case in point, ugly people should not procreate as they are the ones perpetuating misery and not taking into account the interests of their offspring. it still does not ensure that progeny will be beautiful, but it does certainly help.

Life would be too easy if you were good looking