How is world coping with high food and beverage costs for me it's homemade beer

how is world coping with high food and beverage costs for me it's homemade beer

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I used to make prison wine when I was a teen. Shit tasted so fucking bad, but it did the job.

I eat your mom

your balls are beef m8 those are piss jugs

For me, it's spending all my savings because I'll never be able to afford a house anyways.

I've put in a small garden. I have plans to brew, but don't plan to put it in soda bottles.

go sick of bad lettuce stocks so im growing my own.

organic gardening OP, probably get some chickens, and quails next. Built a bat house to keep the insects off the crops.

fuck man, i forgot to get my lettuce plants in spring, grew em last year and they were outstanding senpai

How easy is it to make moonshine?

not easy at all, you really have to know what you're or doing or can get killed very easily

>alcohol in plastic

enjoy being a woman soon

going to try my hand at hydroponic/aquaponic (and maybe aeroponic) growing and see what i can do in the fall and winter.

yeah, if not from a bad batch from literally exploding yourself.

Impressive piss jug collection, very organized


General prices haven't changed much here, but I'm living pretty frugal. My biggest expenses are internet, books, and electricity bills. I don't work so I only use my car (fully owned) to do grocery shopping (daily 100% natural orange juice and carbonated water). I never, ever, eat out. Always cook my meals, and I shop smart (buy whole chicken, few red meat, a bit of fish, pork, deenz, white rice, spinach, broccoli, carrots, onions, tomatoes, lentils, garbanzo, eggs, milk, peanuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, that's pretty much it. Nothing processed. I don't drink alcohol or go out. I might go to the movies once or twice a year. No good concerts here or museums. I do have a nice computer and I'm buying an ipad.

distillation explosion or wood alcohol poisoning?both?


I'm only smoking two cigarettes and one or two beers a day. I hate it but I need to make my money last. Weed is cheap though, I can make a 27 dollar bag last a month.

t. liquor store owners

both man, i don't even attempt it, thought about buying one and said fuck this shit

Making own beverages, like lemonade. Funny thing happened in my perfectly working country. The mighty government some time ago pass sugar tax, so lovely coca-cola, pepsi, dr pepper and other beverages almost duble the price. Funny thing that also for some reason there sugar-free alternatives also fucking get more expensive. Logic of politicians above 9000

i wish, I'm their best customer