Just have kids bro, muh birth rate bro

People can't afford kids you retards. White people are being flattened into gays and wage-slaves by corporations who lobby our government. Musk's assets should be frozen and his kids shot in front of him. Let's put the Socialist in National Socialist.

Attached: justhavekidsbro.jpg (780x553, 221.67K)

you need the nationalist or socialism doesnt work.
aka gibs for whites only.

The amish have a lot less money than regular people but they are singlehandedly saving the white race

This desu

You are retarded your statement is defendable but you chose the wrong approach. You might be a glownigger

if you have the sort of society where socialism works you barely even need it anymore

They worship a dead communist jew.

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>Leftist trying to subvert
How about we just kill you and take all your stuff lol


No amount of "having kids" will prevent the need for a race war. We need to deport the spics and niggers by force or ... gas them (along with the kikes and muslims).

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>White people need gibs to survive!
Points out Amish
>No not those white people

>Capitalism kills whites
>Hurr ur just an infiltrator shill communist
Lul, you people are brain raped


Throw away you computer, phone, car and the save the white race. Dont forget to buy a rope ;)

Amish aren't even really christcucks, they're just really weird, like mormons but weirder. Fuck mormons too.

And we should cut that shit out ASAP. No more christcuck bullshit.

Right wingers are just cucks for the rich. No amount of proof will shatter their fetish.

Why rope

I disagree. They love their people, they just need to be shown who is really fucking them over. Never give up on persuasion, that's how your enemies win.

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But this has nothing to do with white birthrates and money

Kill yourself leftist dog

When you taste the amish life you will need it, bigshot ;)

It's kikes. Let's kill them.

How does semen of the rich taste? Tell us!

It absolutely does. People's values are warped. We need new values to change people actions. Christianity, like capitalism, is killing us. National Socialism was a step in the right direction, but it was too christian.

No, not just kikes. If you only blame the kikes then the race-traitors get off scot-free.

Leftism was invented by revolutionary aristocrats who slaughtered their own people for power. Tell me how the blood of your brothers tastes.

Imagine spending time and effort coming up with logical, reasonable, rational and self-comforting reasons to deny yourself the human experience and effectively sterilize yourself, culture, peoples, genetic heritage and more.

It's kikes. Good to see you're keeping up your shilling, Moshe. Have a cent, on me.

I never said that l wanted to be amish
>It absolutely does
How do christian values affect money and birthrates. You're going off topic

That's because they have functional communities that don't need money, that should ring some bells. The Amish are a special case, they only exist because they live under the umbrella of the US government on protected territory. Their backwards religion would have seen them exterminated in any circumstance where they were on their own as the world modernized, especially if their neighbors were hostile non-whites with a penchant for white flesh. There is also the issue of a genetic bottleneck in many Amish communities. They got the self-sufficiency part right though.

You're a fucking retard.
Now I'm going to have more kids you fucking cum guzzling faggot

And the right-wing is a triad of three confliction ideologies that don't go together: free-market capitalism, christianity and family values/tradition. Only the last one is worth preserving.

The Amish are outbreeding every other group of Whites in the country.

>those make you rich

Idiot cunt detected

Yep. National Socialism cannot work without a purge. I do not believe Civic Nationalism bullshit can carry us. It will fall apart as soon as times get tough (like right now) like all the multicultural empires before.

>Musk's assets should be frozen and his kids shot in front of him.
flawless logic my dude
the fuck is wrong with you?

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>How do christian values affect money and birthrates
Christianity promotes celibacy, men becoming monks and gay shit like that. It advocates charity that is always half-assed. Read some De Toqueville, I'm not off-topic at all.

if affording children is such a big issue then why do poor people have so many more children than rich people

I don't think you actually like any of those, I think you're trying to deradicalize because you're a leftist shill faggot who needs his head stomped in

You mean the original jewish christians who disappeared in spite of all the money they got from Paul?

Every religion promotes celibacy, it's basic asceticism. Christianity doesn't demand that of it's followers, only chastity. Which is obviously advantageous.

Fertility rate is down across the board, you're straight-up parroting his posts from twitter.