This is deep

this is deep

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Plato’s cave didn’t display pleasurable images though…

>replace this dopamine hit with another dopamine hit
Wow deep

okay but what is the meaning at the surface? looking at rainbows?

gay sex on and on

is that drag queen story time on a flat screen?

Platos cave was just a way for him to explain the world of ideas to people

And that through reasoning and going beyond what you think is the truth, you can see the things for what they actually are rather than the crude ways they represent themselves in our world

These people really need to actually read some of these philosophers before making these retarded comics


The meaning was not in the surface, but in the struggle of climbing to the surface.

>Viktor Frenkel

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>unable to escape rainbows.

One is better than the other in the worlds they create, materialist.


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Actually insightful. You leafs are on fire today and I wonder if those LHC schizos were on to something and this is the based leaf timeline.

more gay sex
but with niggers
bet you didn't see that one coming

Did Frankl "borrow" this quote from GK Chesterton who lived before Frankl?

"Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain. Meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure."
G K Chesterton

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this is way more accurate based on my research
what kind of god would create a world with death, cancer, suffering, and human bodies basically designed to suffer extreme levels of pain.

just fuck my shit up

After skool is actually good…you would know it was lagit if you had actually watched it you pretentious faggot

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i get what you're saying, but are you willing to deny what OPs pic is depicting?
>consume-culture filled with vapid "entertainment", crap foods and empty relationships that all lead to shorter and unhappy lives.
>finding joy in the world as is and your life's meaning and what you were meant to do with the time you were given.

And anxiety, chronic pain, boredom, negro voodoo (which isn't paranormal), ...

>what kind of god would create a world with death, cancer, suffering, and human bodies basically designed to suffer extreme levels of pain.
i dont think "God" intended for this shit. i think there's high level demons that have turned this place into a prison of the soul and force us to keep reincarnating to suffer more.

there is no lesson to be learned reincarnating as a child sex slave in John of God's sex dungeon to have babies with pedophiles that are then sold off to the highest bidder to have god knows what done to them, and once you're 20 years old john of god kills you for being too old.

that's only the tip of the iceberg of the fucked up shit taking place on this planet. there is no "oh you reincarnated as a fucking baby getting raped by psychos to learn this lesson" shit. this place IS fucking hell.

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Learn to love the darkness of death as you love the radiance of the son

>not understanding the difference between higher and lower pleasures
I suggest you begin reading.

God is just and loving that's why He gave us freewill. He commands us to do what is good so evil existing in the world is not His will but man's own selfish will. Selfish people will believe in a selfish god.

im deep inside your mom


Infected with the big (((gay))) and posting nonsense.

what have i posted is nonsense favela nigger. you know i'm fucking right.