Nuclear Power

What is the damn hold up?

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massively over budget and behind schedule


kikes and UAE faggots causing fake events to try to say it's dangerous

Being intentionally shut down to force an energy crisis but also keep coal on life support for a little while longer.

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nat gas is cheaper

wrong nigger, nuclear energy makes money

oil and coal industry lobby day and night to stop nuclear from stealing their money.

There are some extremely draconian regulations surrounding nuclear, takes billions of dollars and decades to build a single plant.

The Greens don't want a pollution free cheap energy source, they want control over the economy by means of control over the energy used in the economy.

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Ultimately nuclear is a stop gap measure at best. Better, cleaner, safer options are being put in place instead and like said, by not putting those stop-gap measures in place, it allows the transition from coal to green energy to happen more gradually so that it won't leave coal-states in total collapse over night.

they are afraid of something that wont happen.

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Greenoids don't care about green power

Retarded environmentalist.

Please nuke everything

Weird how its to envirofags who kvetch about nuclear huh

petrojew lobbying and propaganda for 50 years

They should rename the party to the Blacks, because they prioritize racial movements over actual green power.

Wrong, stupid

They should, but they aren't in the business of being honest


Is zack kanter part of the big nose tribe?

Maybe but he's pointing out the insanity of the green movement not supporting it.

women unironically.

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Because it's an actual solution to a problem. Governments derive their power from creating problems and killing the solutions.

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Greenies are a death cult that wants to control mankind, thus they effectively are anti-Prometheus and deny mankind fire.

Why? They are useful idiots for the elite.

Honestly, is that a bad thing? Look at what's happening in Ukraine right now, they are fucked because they had a centralized power grid structure.

A decentralized power grid with many sources is a harder target to take down.

Then they'll kill support for coal.

Much harder to start nuclear reactors that have been shut down than to fire up coal plants.

>What is the damn hold up?

Environmentalists are stupid.


this what they want.

They're fucked because they decided as a weak-ass country to poke the bear for about 8 years.

The bear finally got angry.

There's also no excuse for smaller decentralized nuclear reactors. Nuclear is much more than just the first-gen shit.

It's also only a stop-gap to fusion.

there is another gluon and gluon induced fission is the only fission worth doing (burn cold iron). fussion (stelleratored) is ten years away. the capital model for a fission plant has a eroei of like twenty years.

We're running out of sand to make concrete unironically

sahara has plenty.

kikes trying their best to strangle white civilisation
try to stay with the tour

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This is the answer because Lobbyists == Jews

You're still wrong and stupid