Why are Republicans afraid of a electric car, Any Forums

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they're wise to Nestle's tricks.

Why are jews so afraid of gas?

Lol, why in the fuck were they free in the first place?

Because the enemies of white/European racial preservation support it

EV adoption. They’re playing the long game

Absolutely based


Because they can only go like 100 miles before needing to be charged and take half a day to charge.

maybe because they aren't free someone (the public) is paying for that electricity.
there are long term plans for supporting renewables that can't be stored en mass to allow you to charge your car battery at peak production and run your house off the stored energy at peak consumption, anywhere with free chargers like this you can charge your car up then drive home and power your whole house for free.
if they charged for them nobody would use them because its inconvenient to leave your car there so they are irredeemable in place like that. a business putting them in for employees might work if you are staying there anyway.
also you know batteries in these cars make them unsustainable there is no recycling for them and people won't replace them so the whole car will be scrapped. not that republicans or anyone cares about that because they just do what they are told.

Lmao i laugh at the retards who say “ muh EV SO CHEAP TO RECHARGE” ye retard , let s see when 40 to 50% of population has an EV how cheap it is, also let s see where city fags will recharge their gameboys , there s gonna be fights for the charging slot.

>what is a level 3 charger

>t. Model S fag

>glorified golfcarts with a 100 mile range that take 6 hours to recharge

yea naw fuckoff with that gay shit.

hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are another story. quick refueling, longer range by an order of magnitude.
the main hang up looks to be grabblers trying to figure out how to overcharge people for hydrogen.

>Lol, why in the fuck were they free in the first place?
They're not free. North Carolinians pay for it via taxes whether they drive an EV or not.

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Electric cars are energy-inefficient, so it only makes sense to get rid of them.

>why don't you want to drive the always-connected cuck cart with all kinds of tracking, monitoring, and other shitware designed as a framework for restricting the free movement of people
until and unless we get an open source electric hotrod you can fuck off with your globohomobile

Well, of course. What I meant was: why could any individual just pull up and take some electricity without paying.

electric cars shrink your balls and lower sperm counts.

'Virtue signaling' should have a price...

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This, it was the same with youtube, they left it uncucked to get everyone dependent on it then clamped down with the poz.

100k miles before battery dies completely.
Limited range, decreasing w/every use.
It's a novelty that will end up like the segway.

fucking hell

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got that right

Because it owns the libs. That's literally the only reason. Low-IQ contrarianism.

Electricity is still cheap in NC. They have four nucular plants, coal, solar, and hydro.

The statehouse Jews were probably letting Union Power / Dominion / Central Electric overcharge the state in order to get kickbacks from the power companies.

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Picrel is probably the result of some stupid bullshit like in the OP. I drive a gas car now but in 10 years I won't and it won't be because I'm trying to save the planet. It will be because they are quickly becoming better cars and gas vehicles are becoming the rides of the poor.

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Harley pays them a lot of money to keep the sound of their engine as a copyrighted noise

neat, like a transmission

>there is no recycling for them
Wrong petrol breath. Get with the times. Tesla: 'None of our scrapped lithium-ion batteries go to a landfill, and 100% are recycled.'

>people won't replace them so the whole car will be scrapped
Where did you get that load of fossilized dinosaur shit? Goddamn, you people latch onto a stale narrative harder than a snapping turtle grabbing your pecker out in the creek.

>there s gonna be fights for the charging slot.
OK, that's a fair cop. Tesla for instance, is selling so many vehicles that the supercharger network has some serious choke-points. The news that Telsa will be allowing non-Teslas to use the supercharger network later this year doesn't make me happy.