There are people on here who don't know what holdomor was

There are people on here who have no idea that the soviet union used starvation as a form of genocide or the fact that the people running the soviet union during Holodomor were bolshevik jews.
Its fucking embarrassing that there are people in here who don't see the writing on the wall. Our globalist bolshevik governments are doing everything in their power to destroy farming as an industry in order to genocide us through mass starvation.
If we don't stand up to governments shutting down farming under the guise of "Stopping climate change" We will be starved to death and mothers will be forced to eat their babies to survive like they were in the Holodomor
Holodomor 2.0 is here and everyone is just sitting back making BBC jokes
This is what you get when public education teaches a selected bit of history. Everyone was taught about the holocaust and slavery endlessly but no one was taught about the way the soviet union starved their people to death

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just kill yourself...HOHOLS WILL BE ERADICATED!

Nobody cares about subhuman slavs

Its about to happen in the USA and Europe retard
The Netherlands are doing everything they can to shut down farming while at the same time bringing in infinite amounts of mouths to feed.

Bill gates is buying up all the farm land in the US so that he can eventually shut it all down to starve us all to death. You're retarded if you think this has anything to do with slavs

You will be starved to death by your government
This has nothing to do with ukraine. I couldn't give a fuck about ukraine. This is about the globalist agenda to use starvation as a form of genocide against white people.

I'm very fond of slavic people.
There is no excusing these historic crimes.
However, Ukrainians today are misguided and full of shit.

Filthy kike.

very few people in usa know what holodomor is.
they all know about the holocaust though...

i agree. it is a very important piece of history to know about in the last century.
if you missed it. you literally have 0 fucking idea what is going on. nothing.
you missed almost all of it.
your world view is 100% fake.

Kikes are mass murderers. Their presence is unacceptable.

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also, i do tell people often.
about holodomor and can compare many modern things happening in this world to the holodomor.
people just cant put 2 in 2 together.
for them it's the first time..
they just dont know.

its been done before.
its happening now.
everyone dies.

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Every communist government has starved its people. China, soviets, Cambodia, etc. Its their go to form of mass murder, gulags being 2nd.

Putin is the anti-christ, Russia is satan

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Piggies die all the time

Yes, that and the recent clockwork arson of numerous food production facilities throughout the jewSA.

No one even know about 200 Years Together

The next time some faggot nigger kike cries about climate change to you. Ask them how many people have to starve to death to stop climate change. Climate change is being used as a weapon to promote genocidal mass starvation policies. Most people who are climate change extremists literally were mad that the georgia guidstones were destroyed because they literally believe we need to genocide most humans to prevent it. These people are fucking evil and if someone ever tells you they think farming should be shut down for climate change, PUNCH THEM IN THE FUCKING NECK AND THEN STOMP ON THEIR FUCKING JAW WHILE THEY ARE DOWN TILL IT IS IN PIECES

>people running the soviet union during Holodomor were bolshevik jews.
Like Lazar Kaganovich.

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Jewish controlled governments will start killing farmers livestock mark my words
You won't be forced to eat the bugs
You will be forced to starve to death if you don't resort to canabalism

was typhus u low iq crypto jew!

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Our kike governments are not trying to come up with alternatives to farming to eventually stop climate change. No they want to stop farming NOW and they don't care if there is an alternative. Because their goal isn't to actually stop climate change. Their goal is for you and your white family to starve to death.

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Bolshevik jews in the USA know they can't use the government to just shut down farming so they are buying up farmland to shut down their own farms legally with no repercussions or they are burning down food production facilities.
People who don't know what we are headed for are retarded.

Holocaust =/= Holomodor
Holocaust = Black Propaganda & Kike Hustling
Holomodor is kikes in gommunist Russia mass murdering whites by starvation 3.9 - 5 million. Sabotage and commandeering of food production, storage and seed supply, just like now in the US.

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Are you Russians?

I can't believe all the hatred here towards Ukrainians. Who have Ukranians ever hurt, what have they ever done, that they would deserve the things that are wished for them by people like you?

So you've heard of the Holodomor. Have you heard of the Goloshchekin Genocide?

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