Explain this bullshit ass logic

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Trains are gay.
I ain't gotta explain shit.

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People actually use roads

freight trains are good, but train people are insufferable technoqueers

public transport only works in societies where they don't let feral beasts roam free

Which one is used by a larger percentage of society, the road or the train. EXACTLY!

>the main difference between US and Japan
Black people
Seriously, it is their fault every time
dollar stores
vending machines
you just can't have nice things until you nut up and deport them

Both should not be paid for by taxes.

Now cut to inside the train filled with unruly people of color.

There's never been a nigger twerking in my car while blasting niggerish rap music stinking like week-old fried chicken and wodahmelm.

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Bullshit speaks for itself. Ask the artist if you need more clarification but I doubt he used any logic

one word, starts with n, rhymes with jiggers

>the reason I hate what is inarguably a superior form of transportation is because people I don’t like might also benefit from their implementation

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Mass transit is nothing but a nigger transit system. It hires niggers, transports niggers, and is run by niggers.

look how "public investment" into hiv/aids turned out, we still have niggers and as usual they're ingrates that don't see how whites and the west kept their race from going extinct

Business is conducted using roads, freight and mail transport companies pay higher taxes to use roads, they generate tax revenue by charging everyone who uses them.

Public transit railways usually operate at a loss, the fares are underpriced and people still jump over turnstiles to get free rides, plus you have to pay to have security patrol the train/stations, and they are routinely vandalized/stations are places criminals frequent/drug addicts loiter in.

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We already had awesome public transportation. We have amazing buildings like grand central station and stuff, niggers ruined it.


I would be fine investing in rail if niggers are removed from the country.

Literally niggers. Can't have shit with niggers. Look at the subway system of any major US city and you'll have your answer.

>what is inarguably a superior form of transportation
It's not. In the UK if you walk 5 minutes outside of Brighton you're either in London or you hit the sea. Meanwhile you've passed 10 million people on your little walk and thousands of businesses.

Walk all day in the US and you probably couldn't even leave your city. Walk two days you're out of your city but youre innawoods or innaswamp or innadesert until you walk for another week at which point nature has been conquered by man once more and you have arrived to your next city which is actually a grocery store, a gas station, and a couple thousand farmers.

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Trains are an awful solution when the problem itself is urbanization. The civilian can not have his mobility removed from him to be controlled by his government or a centralized corporation. This is why I am also opposed to electric cars.


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Always a classic

All you people blaming niggers have never been on the Acela

Based raj

Its still fantastic to have and saves people a ton of money.
Also niggers ruin the roads too, I would rather have apes on the subway than in cars

>not sitting next to niggers
>sitting next to niggers
Roads were still a bad move because it allowed people to just ignore it instead of electing Rockwell president and actually fixing it.
Doesn't matter now because this country.

All the people blaming niggers have 0 understanding of US geography. US is large and sparse. Some places are downright inhospitable. Consider the phoenix light rail. People like it, but most don't use it. Why? Because nobody who lives outside of le heckin walkable city wants to walk 30+ minutes in 110 degree weather to get to a train station, they're just going to drive.

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