You start to wonder why us mass shooters dont target high class politicians unlike Japanese

You start to wonder why us mass shooters dont target high class politicians unlike Japanese

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feels bad

ban weed

Nips are doing better than whites

almost like the us shooters are cia niggers and is all staged unlike the Japanese


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Mass shooters want power like biden has.
They would suck Biden's dick in an instant.

this, most school shooters are recruited and trained by FBI agents.
USA is nr.1 country of inside jobs.

the CIA has no money for dat sheiiit

During the columbine shooting they killed a bunch of library nerds and let the jocks go free.

weak ass bitches with no gumption


The jocks were supposed to get blown up by the cafeteria bomb that never went off. The library nerds got it because they were the only ones dumb enough to stick around in the school instead of running away

Politicians have gone on too long undisturbed and forgot the fear of death
The should always think
>if I pass this, am I going to die?
>this affects millions and I'm dead if just one of them decide it's too much

>mass shooters
>targeting specific individuals
I don't think you understand the term mass shooter

western peps are buncha cucks thats whyv

Don’t forget the kids openly claimed to hear voices telling them to do stuff days prior to the shooting… oh gee wiz would you look at patents about sound wave traveling through walls that are still on the patent website XD wouldn’t it be quite a time period to live in where a goverment openly claims you’re crazy while having the paper work readily available to read at anytime? Hehe

Mass shooters get tortured and brainwashed by their parents/programmers to be used as a slave to make politically advantageous events that shock and scare the public like a cattle herding tool.


A man targeting Abe with a sawed off shotgun is a mass shooter? And just because you have shit memory doesn't mean it never happens. And the congress baseball shooter most recently.

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>us mass shooters
u good?

>us mass shooters

Mass shooters are niggers or the mentally ill here. The sane people have yet to start shooting.

Maybe that's because Karen is a batch and my principle wants me on antipsychotics.

No fun makes Jack a dull boy

I assume that mutt politicians are highly protected. Japan on the other hand is one of the most peacefull countries in the world. They dont expect stuff like that today.

Found the Anti-Semite.


when was the last time some rando actually attacked a government facility and wasn't glowing? im drawing a blank and can only think of the Oklahoma bomber

It's true. A bunch of politicians and other political figures were assassinated in the USA in the 60-70s. Not much since although there has been some attempts.

Because the US 'mass shootings' are operation gladio staged psychological operations. Designed by the government to be trauma based conditioning for the sheeple.

Hint European 'Islamic terrorist attacks' are the very same thing, from batman land to the Nice truck of peace attack, 100% staged gladio events.