I've been a pureblood for the entire pandemic, but have to take a clotshot now because of moving to another job. Any suggestions on how to get the crap out of your system? Is biontech the safest?

It's political because it is.

Attached: clotshot.jpg (3500x2265, 424.43K)

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fuck the job then, have a little tegridy

It's impossible - government says it's not mandatory, but all companies force employees to prove that they don't have the coof every single day, or take the vax

Imagine getting it now lol
Get Nova or sino if you have to

Get Pfizer, it's the best, and make sure to get the 2nd shot asap as well.

is this a troll post? why would you get it now?

Don't let the nurses administrating the shot trick you, getting the shot in your butthole is the best chance for it to fully work.

Don't be afraid, Science is behind it.

Attached: 0x0.jpg (1200x800, 107.88K)

why not just prove you dont have it? anything but taking that poison user jesus, do you want to deal with possibility of heart problems or blood clots?

So what you're saying is you have a price and they paid it. You're no better than a whore

Piss off faggot cuck

Because of change of employment. The law states that companies are required to provide vax certificate, or that you don't have covid. And it's retarded to take a 30 euro test every morning which is only valid for a day.

I don't see much of an alternative tbfh

You aren’t getting it out of your system. Lol.

Don't be dumb. Sell your video game collection and Pokemon cards on eBay till you find a job that doesn't require it.

Enjoy DYING like the rest of the cattle have been these 1 1/2 years. Just to get a fucking job. Do you know how high the death rate to the jab even is? That's right 0.02%(among whole population). Why the fuck are you willing to chance it?

get on welfare euro cuck

Go ahead golem, pick whatever vaxx it doesnt matter at this point, you have already lost the game.

You will leave the cohort of kissless virgins after getting the jab and lose your virginity.

Why the memeflag?

The best and only way is to not get it at all. You cant "get rid" of it after it is injected. Money is temporary, integrity is forever, suck it up.

Kike thread. Never taking the clot shot

you deserve to die if you are this pathetic. Why kill yourself over a job?

also, the mRNA alters your DNA forever. You will die within 2 years of mad cow disease, prion disease

Don't do it. The CEO of Pfizer is a lizard person.

Fake taking the jab and just get the paper. Helps if you have a human friend in the medical sorcery business

don't worry user, just get it, and be sure to stay up to date with your boosters!

Have you been paying attention? Vaxxoids are dropping like flies.

So do any anons here actually have a job that doesn't require vaccination or daily testing?