CCP killed Abe

No matter who instigated or committed the attack, the CCP benefits immensely. Why would Chairman Xi order this now?
>Boris resignation
>the Ukraine invasion
How did the PLA organize this attack?
>Japanese communist party
>PLA spies, assets
Is this a 'Guns of August' for 2022?
>Abe was China hawk
>he was back to campaigning
>assassinated despite terminal health issues

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But Japanese officials already confirmed the shooter to be a former Japanese military member?

>former Japanese military member
Double agent maybe? Or a plant?
Also user, its the 85th anniversary of Imperial Japan's invasion of China

>Japan should host American nu- ACK

Attached: abe_nukes.jpg (675x690, 116.54K)


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Like clockwork, without even being mentioned lol. Jewtinites are really spineless little freaks. Go back to slurping your masters cumcums.

>Like clockwork, without even being mentioned lol. Jewtinites are really spineless little freaks. Go back to slurping your masters cumcums.

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what will the response from japan be if there is some confirmed CCP connection?

nothing cuz they can't do shit

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nothing. its China. they can do whatever they want and everyone will go along with it as if nothing happened.

You lost, fed, it's over for you

Meanwhile the US fucks around on and around Taiwan while China just seethes from the mainland threatening to actually do something.

I don't think China could do as much damage to Japan without a war as Abenomics has.

USA did it and will flag it as if China did it so that Joe Bidden can turn the world into full apemode in order to save decaying cancer that is dollar reserve status.

these anons nailed the West's response
If anything, the West would actively work to cover it up if the CCP/PLA turns pit to have actually done it. Can't imperil those lucrative financial deals!

not relevant to the question at hand, which is what can Japan do. the answer is nothing, because they nuked their relations with Russia over jewkraine, so Russian hypersonics will deliver a good dose of that all too familiar uranium to them if they try anything funny

This was my first thought as well. Abe was smart enough to understand that the age of japanese pacifism is soon comming to an end. Their competitor and neighbor China is building the biggest army in human history and claiming territory on all its neigbors.

Killing Abe could determine if Japan is able to defend itself of perish. The man was very important.

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First of all anyone is replaceable. If Japan knows the age of pacifism is over this accomplishes nothing from China side, as it will continue with Abe or without him.

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Kek. The Japanese would push in China's shit just like every other time. Even without our help. Doesn't matter. Meh. Nothing's gonna' happen. China will be starving and doing revolution in a few years anyway. Happening cancelled.

based delusionbro

ya, here is photo for the supreme commander for the assasination we just retrieved

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