What went wrong with this world?

What went wrong with this world?
Why did they get away with all of this so easily?
They groomed my entire generation into being literal faggot pronoun using BLM supporting Triple Vaxxed dumbasses

Are there any normal people left? It’s depressing user.

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Seriously how the fuck did their propaganda work so well?

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Welcome to your first day on dating apps
Half the people you see on them are just like this
Delete your account right now and hope that you run into a cute girl while touching grass at the local park


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Women will change their political opinions to match yours if they actually find you attractive.

>admits she can be easily deceived
why is this a problem?

I get plenty of hot matches user, the problem is they’re all completely mindless and brainwashed. I hadn’t seen some of my highschool friends in years, went to dinner with them a month ago, they all refused to take their masks off and thought i was weird for it. One girl atleast was honest and said it made her feel prettier. That’s sad man

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A quintessential Jewish tactic

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Normal people never existed outside of television .

>be niggers
>stick dick in monkey
>god curses your race with aids/hiv
>god wants you extinct but jews guilt west into wasting trillions, maybe 100s of trillions keeping a race god wants to die off from aids
>everything is more expensive
>niggers are more annoying
>leftists are becoming zombies thanks to aids/hiv
we could be in a different timeline where the niggers are almost extinct, africa is up for grabs, oil is dirt cheap, everything is dirt cheap... but nooo the jews just have to disrupt god's plan

>hand rubbing intensifies.
Yes and 1950s America was literally the worst time to be alive. Also whites never existed in Europe during the middle ages.

You’re retarded fauci created aids
Lurk more
Or read the real Anthony fauci by Robert F Kennedy
It’ll make you sick

Dude i speak to my grandma about this shit and she can’t even comprehend wtf im talking about
“What the fuck is a pronoun”
She grew up in 1930 so it makes her extra sick

Because instead of Spain winning, Talmudic tricks made (((Britain))) win.

god hates niggers, it a lot easier to conclude than using mental gymnastics about why niggers arent hated by god

>Surprised that goy cattle are goy cattle
Wake the fuck up user, the jews were right about the goyim.

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God loves all his children. Niggers are different from black people. There are multiple races of niggers as well.
Tbh some of the nicest people I’ve ever met are African immigrants. They haven’t been Americanized into our nigger culture.

brazil has a shit ton of aids of course they love jews for keeping them zombies with aids, jews and niggers have the same thing in common, hated by god and afraid of extinction

if god loves his children then what the fuck is hiv/aids?

Ok then where do you find someone semi normal. Literally all i want is someone who didn’t bend the knee for Pfizer’s Jew needle and vote red.
They seriously tricked the majority of the world into this shit.

Lurk more faggot we had so many threads about this a few months back.
Fauci created aids in the 80s. Freddie Mercury followed his recommended treatment and died. Micheal Jordan didn’t and is still alive.

>Ok then where do you find someone semi normal.
There is no one normal left, although the more vigilant people you'll find here and maybe one or two in real life.