Russia has a serious chance to do this right now.

Russia is an empire.
That means: It can and will take what it wants.
You say "Russia has no chance to take Alaska back" -- that is just wrong.
In reality it has a much, much higher chance of doing it right now, than at any other time in history.
The US is in a state of chaos, the President is demented and doesn't know where he is.
Ukraine is failing.
NATO is dilapidated and getting worse by the day.
Sure it would be WWIII but In WWIII, Russia is going to take what it wants, it is the definition of an empire. And in a state of war, it will take whatever it wants from everyone else.

When Putin decides he wants to bring down the hammer I fear for all of us.


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If they can't handle ukranians they are gonna hate alaskans. It will be funny when alaskans conquer russia in retaliation. The only rednecks immune to russian winter

Yes, a country that can’t invade more than 100 miles into its neighbor is going to take Alaska. You may literally be retarded, or a shill, or Jewish, or a retarded Jewish shill.

Alaskans are great hunters deprived of sex and sunlight please just please give them a reason

If this is true what stops anyone from pushing the red button?

Like im serious. Alaskans want this more than anything. They are drunk and bored.

lol what foreign shithole hides behind this flag and spouts alaskan stereotypes?

And we will reclaim Crimea.

Attached: 187638279823.png (1075x1202, 1.4M)

Its literally not a stereotype. Have you ever been there? Its 70% men. Real men who have conquered the most unforgiving wilderness. It would be a fun weekend for them.

if america and nato decided "fuck alaska anyway" russia still woulda lose in a war against the solitary state of alaska

Exactly. Even if the military stood down. The armed alaskans outnumber the entire russian army 10-1. Once they get a few epic loot drops its over. And they probably wouldnt stop at russia. Just go ahead and stomp communism from the face of the earth. These are bloodthirsty vikings.

Im pretty sure Alaska can defend itself. They all own "bear stopping power" caliber guns. Probably just as many guns as any invading army. Plus home field advantage...good luck dumb shits

10-1 after being bolstered by autists from the lower 48

Russia sold Alaska to the USA. They have no legal or moral claim to the territory.

Kek vatniggers couldn't take Ukraine in 4.5 months. Now they think they can take Alaska back? Do Vatniggers still think they are being led by Khruschev, Chuikov, and Zhukov with material support from the US?

Don't try to explain basic geopolitics with inbred subhumans.

>when alaskans conquer russia in retaliation
they won't, the state department will cede Alaska to Russia and they won't even tell anybody in the Alaska government

Yes im sure they will be very tolerant of foreign occupying armies retard

What politician?

That is impossible. Also this might be fake.

> Russia takes Alaska
> Builds tunnel connecting them
> America takes Canada
> Russia and America are neigbhours
win win.

>much higher chance of doing it right now, than at any other time in history.
Sooo 1:1,000,000,000,000?

I wish a vatnig would try it... russians threats are almost as big as a joke as Russia is itself.

When you have Nome surrounded and the snow starts speaking American

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American BMD in Alaska protects west coast American jews. America would never cede this territory, which is vital to the defense of jews.

all those poor russian anuses ...

Another clickbait headline that will waste anyone’s time reading the article. The briefly mention that he reminds the US that Alaska used to belong to them, doesn’t make any direct threats and even concludes that it would be foolish to try to fuck with the greatest superpower in the world. This is a nothingburger. Would be nice if they actually had the balls over there to say some shit like that to America or even try some shit.

Beyond that Americans are drunk and bored. Please foreign boots step on our soil. We beg of you. Unite us against a common enemy you coward fucks.