What exactly is his fucking problem?

what exactly is his fucking problem?

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He drinks his own cool-aid.

No lives matter until black lives matter.

I guess no lives will ever matter

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He's right, we should make a list of lives that don't matter.


Starting with your own

He can say what the fuck he wants .

T Latinks

He doesnt want a nigger revolt in his warehouses.

He can't orbit

So tell me, who's life doesn't matter?

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Obviously, he doesn't believe all lives matter.

He doesn't have a problem, he's allowed to have opinions and scold people.

Let me translate this into conservative for you.

Imagine you are a pro-lifer who goes around protesting because you (stupidly) think that life begins at conception then the pro-choice people come along and start saying, "All babies matter!"

They say you're wrong to only focus on abortion because more real babies die within a year after birth than are aborted.

To you, this would be offensive because while you agree all babies do matter, to you, (A moron) the egg that just got tapped by a sperm 2 weeks ago is the life in need of the most protection right now.

All Lives Matter is the same thing for black people.

They agree that yes, all lives are important but not all lives are getting gunned down by cops for simply existing in public places on an almost daily basis.

To them, black lives are the ones in need of protecting the most at this time.


And I'm allowed to tell him to piss off

weak bait

That's a lot of words.

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the customer was a little bit more blunt than that

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why do you "people" bend over backward for niggers?

Black lives don’t matter until trans lives matter

this gif used to be posted on Any Forums back in 2008

list posting gets you banned

I would argue the opposite is true. The same systems set up to discriminate against black people are the systems used to discriminate against Trans people.

Topple systemic racism and systemic bigotry becomes much easier to crush.

he needs niggers to prevent unions

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