Press "N" for Nitrogen to support Dutch farmers

Press "N" for Nitrogen to support Dutch farmers.

Summary of what's going on in the Netherlands:

>Gay government pushes Agenda 2030 containing "Nitrogen cap" legislation
>This destroys the farming business, raises food prices and allows global corporations to take over the land for pennies
>Farmers upset, start to Honk Honk
>Gay government declares that they will use military force against the farmers, effectively declaring themselves as a rogue government

Press "N" for Nitrogen to support Dutch farmers.

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so the government can really just cancel your rights in other countries huh?

The workers literally rise up and the fag commies are on the side of the government

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shut the fuck up you kulakiod idiot nitrogen activity ruins the environment caused by the same big corporations, you should advocated for environmental socialism and not some psueoneoliberalism that got us into this mess in the first place

>nitrogen activity ruins the environment
Not in the Netherlands, the nitrogen activity is low here. Germany accounts for 90% of the measured NO2.

NO2 is an unstable molecule and is pretty much harmless. Agenda 2030 is another Globohomo scam to destroy people. You vill own nossing and you vill ve happy,

They're trying to cancel the dutch farmers, threatening them with military action. But the farmers are clever people and they are prepared, they have learned from what went on with the Truckers Convoy in Canada.

They'll inevitably fail if they have no political support

Yep. Leftists sold their principles long time ago.

The farmers have the support of the people.

so did trump

Does your country even have military? I'm sure you can deal with a couple of tanks.

by importing a billion dollars worth of kulak german nitrogen each yaer you are actively commiting to that 90% measured.

if the acidity levels of the atlantic keep rising all of the fish will die tell me how that will destroy you less than some measurements to curb the capitalist mess we gotten our selves into,

you should understand that the whole reason the un is making agenda 2030 is so that capitalism can continue which will in turn produce more environmental problems for the next generation ad infinitum ad nauseam

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Half the American population hated Orange Man. I don't think it's accurate to compare that with the farmer strike here. Trump was one man, but there are thousands of farmers. They have to get rid of them all, or at least threaten them so they leave.

You see, farmers can afford to strike for long periods of time, because they have the financial resources. This is not like the truckers who many of them live paycheck to paycheck. Farmers are not like that, they have resources.

They're already sicking the military on them dude, they'll just round them up, throw them in jail and take their land

Agenda 2030 is a land grab. The farmers know this. Nitrogen is not a problem in the Netherlands. The fish are doing fine.

Not on our watch they're not!

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That's why it's important to stand up against these global bullies.

So my original point is correct and they'l inevitably fail just like the Canadians because they have no political support.

Politicians have names and addresses.

The situation in the Netherlands is escalating.

Did you guys stock up on iodine for the nuclear war?

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Now you're just edge-posting

NNNNNNAY godverdomme Klootzak

ok so i heard dutch ganja was strong but what the FUCK does anything i said have to do with the present? I am talking in our lifetimes some serious fallout event is going to happen resource wars for water and oil, there wont be any living thing in the oceans which means that the entire biosphere will collapse causing mass extinction and for what? because some a handfull corparations want to have another zero on their pay check? i mean whats the fucking point in anything if everything is dead. Capitlism is a totally flawed and unsustainable system.

I realize you might be tired of hearing regurgitated garbage about from a neoliberal checkbook and then being told that you have to talk some idiotic measures like 'recycling' but you don't have to do that we just have to dismantle the companies and systems that have brought us to this situation.


>farmers will just roll over and sell their land to Google and Facebook
You don't know farmers. They have already surrounded the house of the minister of Agriculture. Shits gonnna get serious, burger.

>in other countries
Don't act like this dump is even slightly better