Are white nations cucked now??!

are white nations cucked now??!

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why is being tolerant and progressive correlated with high iq and prosperous country and vice versa?

backed by jews obviously. non white countries havent been shit on by jews for this reason

Feels good

I'ma go to Europe to get my white girl.
American white women are trash after all those BBCs. They don't feel anything and can't think straight. And refuse to cook and clean like black people.
Even Mexicans are better than white women now and days

Yes, sadly.
But it's all driven by rhetoric and pc police.
If you take that out of the equation, things would go back to normal pretty fast.

Muttland is full of the lowest IQ tards on the planet, all media is targeted to nigger tier IQ, and the whites are too stupid to notice

We win yet again

Homosexuality is part of the depop plan.

t.strongest and most influential country in the world

Heres your average murican....fucking nigger tier stupid

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Hey atleast my country is not that bad , feel sorry for the westerns

Why is having brain damage correlated with being a world class wrestler?

I wonder what the USA is…

Is this a question?

>muttland is the most influential country in the world
it's not influential anymore. World leaders must be laughing at US how US leaders are ruining the country and the west on purpose to make some cash for themselves and the citizens cannot do shit. What was so influential in the past 20 years? Politicians embezzling shitloads of money through wars? Or forcing it's colonies in Europe to break relations with Russia and resell to them russian oil? Even if some dictators managed to control US in it's current state, it's on equal standing with China and that's an if because it doesn't seem like a possible scenario right now.

bolan, Im sorry...

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79% in Finland huh...
Last week
>Central Helsinki library held a drag queen storytime for children
bunch of people went there to protest it
>The first Pride event in deep bible belt in Lapua was held, few people attended
half of the flags were stolen and it got bombed

Looks like the map is true. Dont know why Spain is so gay while other meds arent like that

The white countries on that map have very low % approval of gayness, so I'm not sure what you mean? Surely you're not confusing African nations like Sweden or France with actual white nations?

But Sweden would be even more gay if it was white only