This is the most Jewish-looking "viking" I've ever seen

This is the most Jewish-looking "viking" I've ever seen.

Attached: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9kY2hhc2VyLmNvbS9pbWFnZXMvbWlzc2luZy1pbWFnZS5wbmc=.jpg (256x256, 14.25K)

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because he is

>If you don't worship a jew you are jewish

Christcucks are all mentally ill

>DId you you guys know that Christianity is bad?
>My next guest is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi here to tell you why.
He's the laziest d&c shill I've ever seen.
If you get all your talking points from Jews, wear kabbalah shirts and have a Jew name you probably are.

Neanderthal looking slurp demons. All of em.

Adam Green is one of the biggest threats to exposing jewish mysticism

Spot the Christcuck. Imagine believing in Jewish fairytales while telling yourself they aren't Jewish fairytales but Aryan fairytales, its just that Jews stole it from Aryans.

He makes christkikes seethe so much it's hilarious just by reading bible / rabbi quotes

He's also the only eceleb on Any Forums that did not double down on cringe (so far) in 2022. His content has aged nicely.

If he is a jew by blood he is on our side because he despises kikes.

He invites rabbis on his show and takes Talmudic claims at face value. He's nothing but a kike shill

>If you get all your talking points from Jews, wear kabbalah shirts and have a Jew name you probably are

Sounds like you're describing Christcucks. They get all their talking points from jews, wear jew clothes and name themselves after jews. Pathetic.

Adam Green on the other hand does nothing but expose jewish supremacy all day every day. His latest video is great.

Also if he's a kike why has he been banned from every single jewish platform while Christcucks get to spread christcuckery all over youtube, twitter, etc?

Funny how he looks a lot like David Rothschild.

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You must have forgotten about totally white, pure Nordic Micheal Isaac Friedman sippel enockson peinovich.

He even proved it with a totally legit, not taken from a cia buddy 23and me

Attached: 9C2EA1D7-F52C-4343-9B1F-AB65382466F0.jpg (244x266, 19.01K)

>if you argue against kikes on your show you are a kike

that's very jewish logic. You sound like a kike.

Was that the guy that was eaten

And how can we forget his totally not smug sheeni coward kike Jesse Abraham dunstein who said his Pfizer stock is more important than your white kids ?

He totally shouldn’t be dragged out in his Jewish neighborhood and watch his kids get sent to hell with a bullet

Attached: 84829E3D-F26E-4E70-AD77-093CB14981FA.jpg (798x981, 345.6K)

Like the jewish name Adam?

Adam was born to Christcuck parents who named him after their jewish fairy tales.

Are you really arguing a person controls the name they are born with? More kike logic, lol.

>believes Hitler was a secret communists, working with Stalin.
>Eats up Jewish atheist books like CJB

He had a good start till he started his divided shilling.

nothing you said changes the fact how jew he looks, its pointless to argue.

Attached: 6m2x2v.jpg (500x911, 128.99K)

white niger frome fornication bitch

Attached: негро тёлка.png (494x594, 527.66K)

No. Both are still alive.

I’ve never met a Jew that looks like him. I really like him.
You aren’t very good with knowing what is a joke if you even really believe what you are saying.

Adam is a spiritual kike.

He so obsessed with Judaism and Christianity. He seems legit but its like hes obsessed with Judaism. He probably knows just as much about it as orthodox rabbis.

>So you're saying Christianity is a lie? Tell me more, tiny hat man.

Attached: greenberg.png (1231x525, 1.52M)

>argue against
He uses kikes as authorities and references.

This. He has a bunch of Jews on his show now talking about how bad Christianity is. I’ve seen him in debates using the Talmud as his facts to why Christianity is bad lol.

Post physique, amerimutt.

He doesnt. Hes being intentionally disingenuous.

So one musn't confront rabbis about their supremacist religion? You are an idiot lowIQ christcuck.

you could argue anyone looks jewish if you try hard enough. I've seen people claims Brock Lesnar looks jewish.

He argues against them, he says all their bullshit jewish fairy tales are lies. Christcucks on the other hand believe the jewish fairy tales and then worship a dead jew on a stick as God.