What would 4 more years of Trump look like?

What would 4 more years of Trump look like?

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Trump already revealed himself as a lying Democrat that put Pfizer before his voters.

Found the DeSantis cuck.

>What would 4 more years of Trump look like?
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The great news

The same as the last four years. Blatant bigotry, mysogyny, racism sexism and white nationalism. The world laughing at us. The climate being destroyed. Not defending democracy around the world.

he probably would have built the third temple by now. But its ok, DeSantis love jews even more than trump.

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More niggers will be pro-gunner

More shilling for kikes/Israel, open borders, and empty promises.


because trump is a fake bitch

The collapse of the U.S.

Oh wait that was the first 4 years.

See you on the flip side, losers.

just more of trump's tax cuts for rich people
that's trump's only accomplishment

List one example of which isn't a known hoax.

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I think Trump learned a lot while he was in office and I don't think he'd make the same mistakes twice. I would like to see woke Trump in office.

DeSantis is gonna win over him and it'll be a worse version of Trump and then people will wonder how come they got left holding the bag.

Don't care. Let's talk about what the gas price would do.

Don't worry. There'll be more different mistake await him

He will pull out the stops.

What does that mean?

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Just atoning for my mistake.

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The same.

60% legal immigration slashed within the first two like he built up to before using executive orders and directing agencies
Force Mexico to stop caravans and take asylum seekers again
Finish construction of the steel bar wall (should've been concrete but it's better than nothing)
Sign an executive order getting rid of birthright citizenship and appealing it to the supreme court once it's struck down
Put tariffs on China again and threaten it on allies unless they do what he wants
Begin military presence withdrawal from all countries except Iraq based on his last executive order
Threaten to leave NATO unless they pay up
Veto Ukrainian aid (it'll get through anyway because congress will overrule him)
Try to make big tech respect free speech through congress and executive orders/agencies
Try to blow up filibuster
Nonzero chance he tries to find a legal excuse to remain president past his term

Black unemployment numbers lower than you can even imagine

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I would sell this as a sequel:
Trump II: Trump Harder

Almost identical to what we have now with more seethe.

He could've pardoned the Capitol protesters (Who are still being held as political prisoners to this day, mind you).
Honestly, the fact the Left hasn't gone after Trump over the vax and Warp Speed is mind blowing. Tho they'd also then have to admit the vax is bullshit at best and dangerous, possibly lethal at worst.

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Aye, Warp speed and the vaccines that came from it are probably the darkest mark on Trump's first term.

Checked, this user gets it.

true, there's now 2.5 years of dems being rabidly pro-vax, if they suddenly switched and blamed trump for it... nah nvm I can see that happening.


Do not idolise any man or woman on earth. Idolatry is sin. Besides this, any human being will always fail you for it is written that all men fall short before the Glory of God. Trust instead in The One Who will never fail, God.

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation: granddesignexposed.com/sun/baal.html

Something worth watching if you have the time: youtu.be/eJK1gLHbOxA

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