every time you buy an ounce a kike cries

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Why would people buying silver end the fed.

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Where is the crypto faggot right now?
Working at Mcdonalds?

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The greatest strength of the individual is to say no. Protesting as a collective is futile, walking away from the corrupt collective systems and becoming self sufficient and refusing to contribute your time and energy to the system that enslaves you is the only way to defend against it. The individuals must refuse to accept dominion of another man and assert that their rights to life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness are given by the creator and only the creator and refuse to kneel to man's designs and systems.
The most natural condition is to be dependent upon the creator and nature. The provisions of the creator with the risks involved are a choice and a rejection of being subjected.
Walking away from man made systems of enslavement of debt and consignment to man and depending upon God independently but in common purpose of faith in the provision of God.
Silver isn't just about profit or gains or use within these systems it's about building civilization and community apart from debt to these systems, decentralization of the resources required to build what will be required and the raw natural potential being seperated from these systems.
"We" are all going to make it because we're not playing their games by their rules anymore, we're removing our pieces from the puzzle and flipping the table and driving the thieves from the temple.
Stack deep
Stack high
Never selling
Till the FED dies.

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Bitcoin is better IMO


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Many years ago, the money changers realized that national debt levels and the levels of money printing they were engaging in were unsustainable with any kind of reasonable bond yield levels the market could sustain. The interest on 1 trillion debt at 17 or 18% interest as occurred in the 1980s would be absolutely impossible to sustain at current debt levels of 28 trillion but with 30 year bond yields at 2%, they can kick the can down the road for a few more years.

To keep bond yields low, the money changers also needed to trick the markets into thinking inflation is LOWER than the bond yields they require as nobody would buy 2% yielding bonds if inflation was obviously 5%.

The learned that they could drag the entire commodities market lower by controlling the price of precious metals, the price of wheat for example was dragged into a brutal bear market for the last 10 years at the same time as the gold bear market.

They also learned that the silver market was much smaller than the gold market, no nations used it for monetary purposes, and very few had strategic stockpiles of the metal. By suppressing and controlling the tiny 20 billion dollar silver market with 5 trillion dollars of notional derivatives trading, they could force gold down which is always tied in a ratio range with silver. If you'll notice, when the gold and silver ratio are at the highest peaks, the price of the metals are near their lowest troughs.

By controlling silver, they could force gold to act in turn which is used as an inflation signal for the broader commodities market and supported the continuation of artificially low bond yields and an impossibly high level of national debt.

Tl;dr As the silver suppression ponzi scheme unravels, bond yields will spike, taking down the financial system.

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Back working at McDonald's.
Honestly I'm not convinced, it hasn't done well the last few years despite high inflation. Actually, no investment has seemingly done well, so: convince me to buy silver instead of more guns.

buy it

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Janny 404's this thread before 100 replies

Without manipulation of the paper silver market keeping the price low people would have a true measure of inflation and nobody would use dollars. The goal in buying up the silver is that since there's so little available (most of it goes to industrial demand) a reasonable amount of people could buy all the real stuff effectively stealing it from the kikes who run the comex and causing a default on their contracts in which the people then set the price.

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What's a bitcoin user?

Many such cases. Also checked.

Most of the people who have them can't answer that question either

Buy silver. Lol
. Actually spending money on metal that you can recover from items for free.

Who believes this dumb shit?

you only need one gun, get a nice one and some silver

I've already got ~20 guns, but really want a reproduction trapdoor Springfield so I can shoot pissing hot .45-70 for funsies.