Is it morrowind that started the whole trans characters in vidya?

Is it morrowind that started the whole trans characters in vidya?

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morrowind is the least pozzed and most based game in existence


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vivec is trans
get over it

>least pozzed
KEK. The game screams of trans.

World of warcraft probably, specifically when people started running around as female blood elves

morrowind came before wow

maybe, maybe not. at least if you mod morrowind you can go back to vanilla. troons are stuck with with their botched surgeries.
and remember above all, all fields

Because of Vehk?

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Elder scrolls wasn't normie until oblivion and Skyrim. Everyone was running around as a fem blood elf in 2007. I'd wager 85% of people who bought Morrowind up until that point didn't even get far enough to find out vivec was a troon


I think you can boil it down to fringe internet communities.
You just need the "perfect" spark of some troon-ish people getting together and they'll soon band and piss on everything with troon propaganda.
This drives out other people while accepting more troon-ish people into their folds.

It's a shitstorm contained by having a high enough percentage of reasonable people holding a finger on the lid.

Stop trying to claim good games for your mutilation fetish you disgusting mentally ill freak, kys

Also remember that in wow was some of the earliest depictions of men playing as women on video games for social interactions. The sweaty neck beard nerd dancing as a night elf for money, etc

Many ancient mythological gods play around with their gender. But that's because they are magical entities, they are not bound by the laws of biology like we are

Video games makes people trans and gay.

Is it because the guy who made female clones of himself and fucks them?

Based. Morrowind is goat. Trannies hate it.

>Magical and also fictional deity is a hermaphrodite
>I'm a mentally ill faggot who cut his dick off
>We are the same

Baldur's Gate predates Morrowind.

Attached: trannygate.jpg (642x481, 653.75K)

Divayth Fyr is based as fuck. What's more manly than fucking your own loyal cloned daughter-wives, who you give all the boring research assistant jobs to?

I think morrowind contribute to the rise of being a furfag, moreso than being a tranny. The fucking khajit had tits ffs.

Trans people and mental illness in general is a sign that something is wrong with society. People no longer believe in a God and that everything is part of a divine plan, and they don't have a tribe they must provide to for survival. People are alone and have to decide for themselves their purpose and sometimes they think they have to justify their own existence. All the while working 40 hour work weeks as opposed to working 12 hours a week like we used to.

yeah, but few people played the beast races in Morrowind, compared to Oblivion and Skyrim, since they were sub-optimal. The liggas and furries couldn't wear boots or closed helms.

i fapped to argonian women in oblivion kek

My point exactly

Always put that shit on the bitch boy Khalid. Sissy elf faggot.

It's fallout new vegas, which also explains the incredible homosexuality of its fans and how attached they are to their little shitty unplayable brokeback mountain simulator

Isn't the point to kill the tribunal as well as dagoth ur? Godtranny vivec the typical fag used the heart of lorkhan to make xirxelf ximmortal and the nerevar said fuck your gay shit this is all over.

it is a trans game
