They truly are the champions of the working class

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The working class is brown.

the republican base was never that smart.. mostly poor rural white trash

the working class is white, asian, and hispanic. the welfare class is black and hispanic

What if I support raising neither?

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As do Democrats.

>muh republicans
All politicians got a 30k a year raise.
Is your head up your ass for the warmth?

based and true

>red-blue politics
Why are you still doing this dumbassery

The working class is non White. I love biden. Raise gas prices.

This post glows.

full moon makes all tides rise.

under trump the average low income american wage increased from 8.75 to 16 and i live in a place where wages are relatively low. and this was without a raise in min wage. now i know youre prob some uneducated retard but min wage actual reduces earnings. if min was increased to 15 then everyones raise increases would be for naught and the 15 dollars would have the purchasing power of 7.5

now i know youre a fuckign reatrd but fucking use your brain and try to think about what money is.

Increasing the minimum wage is a gimmick. If the government really wanted to help you they would slide the tax free income bracket to like 45k and shuffle all the tax brackets further do everyone earning less than 100k is taxed less.

Which is why alternate currency is the only way to balance power. Too bad Americans are suffering from Stockholm syndrome

youre fucking economically illiterate. i fucking hope they dont fucking raise min wage. that would actually[ be a nightmare. that would destroy working class families.


According to Dems $100k is high income for a family. Pay up.

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How? Doesn't it just distribute money from the bosses to the workers?


why the fuck is there only like one of us per country.

>Dems write bill with amnesty for all illegals, open borders, billions for niggers and climate change, and raising the minimum wage
>Rs vote against it
this is what happens every time

When do we get a party that supports raising the minimum wage AND deporting illegals? Why is there no option for this?

no you fucking ignoramous. bosses wouldnt fuckign get paid less retard faggot. they would just lay off workers.

bosses are fucking workers by the way you fucking retard pole.

fucking read a fucking economics book. fucking do some fucking math. the prices are based on equilibrium within a market. if the market can pay more goods will cost more. this is why the richest countries have the most expensive goods and costs of livign and the poorest have the cheapest.

raising min wage would only effect to raise THE FLOOR. it would in turn make make whatever is currently min wage worth less to a degree correlative to the increase in wages. if it went from 7.15 to 15 it would be more than 2x which would reduce the value of the currency by more than 100% ( ~115) increase thusd goods that cost 2 dollars would cost about 4.40

fucking peopel dont even fuckign know what min wage does.

waging min wage HELPS DEBTORS. thats ALL it helps. it helps people with debt by DECREASING the real value of their debt. if they had 200k in debt and earnings increase by 2x now they only have 100k in debt.

raising min wage CANNOT AND WILLNOT help a normal person. it helps banks. fucking use your brain. dont just think "hurr durr more money"


>they would just lay off workers
Then productivity would fall.

do you seriously fucking not get how it works?

if everyone can make 60 dollars an hour working you really fuckign think mcdonalds is gonna waste its time making hamburgers for a dollar still? no they would cost ~8-9 EACH becasuse 8-9 dollars would then represent around 10 minutes of min wage work as 1 dollar does now.

i hope you can understand that analogy. i feel thats the simplest one i can make.

dude did you just ignore the whole rest of the post when i actually started gettign into the math or what.

>mandatory insurance schemes are "healthcare"

So the Democrats refused the salary increases to show solidarity right?

This. Kill them all.

>if the market can pay more goods will cost more
This free market capitalism sounds like the bosses will do anything to make fuckton of money instead of actually helping society.

Source: bro just trust this tweet!!!!

>when i actually started gettign into the math
that was when I really started laughing at you
listening to talk radio isn't the same as an actual economics education you dumb nigger

Cool what did democrats do? The same exact shit or worse?

Another butthurt leftist that doesn't understand basic economics. Many such cases.

No they didn’t.
Crazy how they left that part out huh?

your right. companies would have layoffs. prices would increase. and the countries productivity would indeed fall. all of these are known measurements that occur when min wage is increased.

youre absolutely right. raising min wage not only weakens the workers, and the companies, but the nation as a whole as well as making it less competitive than other nations.

positive effects would be that the countries economy may appear to grow to scale relative to other nations, and that debt would be significantly decreased in terms of real value. but it also means leasors and renters would be fucked.

Raising the minimum wage is retarded anyways. Why would you want the price of goods to go up and how does that help lower/poverty class?

Raising wages is bad for small businesses, especially after the scamdemic where corporations are able to lose money for long periods in order to force small businesses out of business. Eventually inflation will be so great only large corporations will beable to afford to hire staff.

Then why do I have a lot less money now than when a republican was in office even though I'm cutting back on my spending habits?

So the republicans didn't have any abortions to show solidarity?
and you know.. not kill babies
>Buh buh buh it was legal

Funny how Democratic states have better standards of living than the Republican states.

>Raising wages is bad for small businesses
Fuck small businesses. Why the fuck should I care if some decrepit boomer kike will actually have to compete with Amazon or McDonald's starting wages for grunt workers.

The minimum wage should not exist.

youre fuckign retarded. im actually talking about the math and youre the one postulating but you act as if im the one appealing to emotion when im giving actual macro and microeconomic principles to you.

guess what retard, some of us are actually formally educated in economics and accounting and finance. maybe youre not but its NOT fucking unheard of to fucking do a fucking hard-math business major like actuarials or accounting or finance or economics.

youre the one talking out of your ass about talk radio concepts of "raising min wage" but you try to reverse it becasue you know you cant possibly postulate an actual rebuttle of the principles ive defined becasue they are literally easily measurable and true.

170 iq statement

What the fuck are you talking about, you dumb pollack?

Check the wage gap and cost of living in any left/dem run city.

Detroit is a shithole and has been controlled by Dems for over 70 years.

This, worst case scenario break up the megacorp under monopoly laws

Funny how that's untrue and people are leaving democrat states in droves to move to Republican states.