Countries in Europe starting with the letter K

Nothing else, have a nice day.

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I don't particularity care about your region, but will we be bombing you in a near future?

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they recently overthrew their government and replaced it with a Russian puppet. Biden tried to get his boy up in office, but Russia won. it wasn't too long after that the war in Ukraine started.

kingdom of spain
kingdom of the netherlands
kingdom of belgium
kingdom of denmark
kingdom of norway
kingdom of sweden

how did you forget this many bro ?

again, europe is not a continent




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is Serbia.

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That's not a country user...

>An American not getting the joke

Kosovo is ethnically Albanian, historically Albanian, and culturally Albanian. You tried to kill the indigenous Albanian inhabitants of Kosovo so you could replace them with Serbs, but after NATO whooped Serbia's ass, they finally gave up and left Kosovo.

wu wuz europe n shit

You like my potassium? Open wide and I spray in your mouth!

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Kherson People's Republic

Turkroach invader subhumans that don't belong in the Balkans.

Aren't they planning to simply join Russia outright after a vote though? [Crimea/Sevastopol style]

Kosovo is filled with mudslides and immigrants. I’m literally whiter then them, Muhammad. America is the future of the white race.

Albanian is an Indo-European language, unlike Turkish.

Probably. Too small to be a real country.

What about Kansas?


kosovo your mom bitch

Yeah, but then the same is true of the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics.

Achually not quite. Putin thinked he got new Lugambashenko but Kazak president has since told Vova to fuck himself and installed independent foreign policy, even anti-Russian in some issues.

so close, yet so far away

To be fair, kosovo is just a construct for nato to station soldiers in Serbia.
It's basically the Donesk People's Republic but by the other team



Those are not countries, but unions under a common crown. Commonwealths.

I guess Khazakhstan is in europe actually. But why make a thread about this?

You rang?


Hasn't actually been organized as such yet

Le kék

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>no humour
as usual

Pretty much. But I'm fair minded, so I accept the existence of all of these states with limited recognition that claim to occupy some clay of another country.

What the hell happened to Suomi? Why do you guys lap up the most obvious NATO propaganda nowadays?


Depends on the language. Croatia in Danish and probably many other countries is Kroatien, so there's your country with a K.

>Kosovo is ethnically Albanian

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That's west Asia.

he forgot to add, you're also albanian, serbnigger

Dane Bro, I get that you and the Netherlands are a realm consisting of several "countries" (Denmark, Faeroes, Greenland), but that's not true of Sweden or Norway, and only true of Belgium and Spain if we assume their autonomous regions are now themselves kingdoms or "countries" like the countries in the UK.


kazakhstan? only partially in europe, has some european russian population. part of its territores are russian lands which were stolen. but i wouldnt call this cuntry european just like wouldnt call such as turkey, georgia, armenia, azerbaijan. albania/bosnia/kosovo are may be somewhat european but islamic. kazakhs are steppe mongols and muslims.

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By this argument, Denmark and Northern Germany are British because that's where the Angles, Saxons and Jutes came from.

I've never understood the Serb fixation on a region that's notable because they got defeated there by the Ottomans. It's a region that is so poor that most Serbs fled as soon as they could in the modern era. It's a giant slum. But you've got churches and monasteries there. That's nice. There are Armenian churches all over Anatolia and the Middle East, and no one's going to give them a giant empire again like they had in Roman or Medieval times.

Part of Kazakhstan is in Europe under the usual definition of the continent.

what about Kosovo?