>creates the worst Presidency you'll ever live through in your life

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>puts meme arrow in the subject field

That would be Trump

If this is actually as bad as it gets, then maybe things were never really that bad.

I know I'm never voting democrat again.

Nothing is worse than Trump in 2020. That was the biggest clown show of a presidency anyone has ever seen.

tie the rope around your neck and hang, tranny freak

Was jimmy carter worse?


>t. gender confused zoomer

>Democrat gets elected
>This is the worst president in history!
>Democrat gets elected
>This is the worst president in history!
>Democrat gets elected
>This is the worst president in history!


>Nothing is worse than Trump in 2020

Current events suggests otherwise

Na fagger, this geriatric fuck has a worse reception than public enemy at a Klan rally and that's among his democrat constituency and party peers. The only thing that will make it better is if he suddenly dies one day and I log onto 4chins and find out so I can shitpost then go to Chillies with friends to celebrate.

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>durr that would be Trump. I'm rIdiNG wiTh BiDEn

What are you talking about? He's the best president China has ever had. Just look at how much money they are making with muh sanctiorinoes again't the ebil Rushans top kek

Biden will be the last president of the United States. I would be willing to bet everything I own on that.

sure thing faggot

this board conveniently forgets Bush

I just want to know, who is really in charge?
It's not this senile pedophile, so who?

You were retarded to do it in the first place

wait until a fat lesbian negress is "elected" and revisit that remark.

Yeah, I came here to mention Bush.

Biden reminds me a lot of bush
>Gas prices surging
>Constantly being retarded or pretending to be retarded
It's the same shit

Bush sucked, but Biden is definitely worse

and he could probably win in 2024

The crazies shit for me is that it's this bad and the worse shit they wanted to do failed, like the bbb bill, being half the monetary base, the tax on unrealized gains, the ban on unvaxed travel and unvaxed workers.

Imagine how much worse this shit could be, what a fucking mess.

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I literally voted for brandon and hilldog because I want to to see the country collapse lol the gay globalist anti white regime must die.

You're wrong again, leaf.

i hope you get drafted you tranny puss infested fuckbag

We studied the Carter presidency in history class and I thought nothing could ever be that bad, but color me shocked to be seeing that, and worse, in real time. To be fair I don't blame Biden, he has always been known as a lying corrupt piece of shit, and everyone knew he was senile. No, the blame belongs squarely on the DNC for fucking with the primary to ensure he got the nom and for rigging the election.

He didn't even win in 2020. They would need a lot more fake ballot printers to go brrrr for 2024.

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What did you think would happen after you saw them literally burning down America before the election?

Joe Biden is just hitting his stride. He's feeding millions of weary traveller's pouring into America and he's rock solid on transgender freedom and integrity for children. Shine on Mr. President, America loves you!


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They'll get worse from here don't worry

I remember growing up I played a game to guess how high the gas prices will rise today, my bud route passed by the gas station.. needless to say karma is a bitch indeed.

George Walker Bush pretended to be retarded because otherwise his actions would be seen as evil but instead he led us to believe he was nothing more than a bumbler. The same cannot be said for Biden as he fucks up and harms himself, gets lost, slurs his speech or makes gaffes regardless of whether or not he's in front of a camera or not.

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If you vote Republican then you should be castrated so your inferior genes won't be reproduced.

You must not have to pay for gas.


Reminds me of a comment Sam Hyde made a year ago in regards to the current administration and its allies, "imagine worshipping satan and doing rituals for the devil and it doesn't work"

You're giving him too much credit. He was hust as dumb as he seemed and Cheney ran the show. He was only in that spot because of his father.

He could've just done nothing and been in an even better position after midterms.

The Democrats did this on purpose because everybody was saying that Obama was the worst President ever.

Biden is worse than Carter and Bush combined.

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you really think this is the worst it's gonna get?

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>He thinks things are going to get better
Joe Biden will look like Andrew Jackson compared to future presidents.

um, hello? did you really forgot years 2016 through 2020?? does ORANGE CHEETO HITLER ring any bells???

Life was less Like Brazil under trump

bless your heart.

Name another president who caused food shortages in America.

kek, bring it on, my body is ready

If you took the juice you wont.

so less trannies and more jews?

No. Carter is genuinely a nice person.
He was too sweet for politics.

>im a retard who voted for the guy that made me poorer

I still won't forget how shit of a president Obama was, how cringe his persona was and how the leftist lamestream media fell head over heels for anything the man did. Remember when he kicked open that door or dropped a microphone on the ground? What a fag. That's not even to mention his policies or his pluralistic universalist metaphysical and spiritual views

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>does CONSTANT LEFT-WING PROPAGANDA ring any bells???

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but is he really worse then Bush junior?
same policies more or less, but Bush started an invasion over knowingly false pretenses.
If we end up fighting in Eastern Europe, yea, that would tip the scales.


The worst presidency of your life so far.

Canadians are confirmed retarded.

Not really. Trump sucked . But Biden is on a whole other level.

Pizza with pineapple is good too. Is not it?

>does ORANGE CHEETO HITLER ring any bells???

user was in middle school at the time, now in high school

Someone who's clearly trolling both sides. I hate to fall down the rabbit hole. But could it all be one big sting operation? There's just so many odd things that have happened the last 5-10 years. Maybe somebody is draining the swamp. The recent stuff with roe vs wade and infrastructure attacks may be some lashing out. If the military took over in the US they would be utilizing glowies.

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I wanted to post this for some good ol' trolling, but now I'm glad that I didn't. Some (you) farms just ain't worth it.

which one?
they were both horrible, but in vastly different ways. nobody's forgotten those assholes.

They will just change the laws again in key states and Biden will win again. Nobody will do shit.