Europe is becoming a shithole

there is no reason to stay in europe now. we are just as mutted as america at this point except we have higher taxes and shitty gun laws and lower wages.

if you can get to america somehow you probably should. at least they might have a couple of livable decades before it goes to total shit like europe is now

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>is becoming
hello poster from 2011

Good. Death to EU!

Wait they need night heating in July?

Looks like Europoors will need to start mining Bitcoin to stay warm

It's been a shithole since the end of WW2.

>it’s another EU falls apart and then USA has to bail them out episode
What the fuck is wrong with you guys

>USA has to bail them out
we've seen the results of the Americans "bailing us out". Thanks no thanks, stay on your side of the Atlantic, new worlder

Europeans run the heaters in July? don't your pajamas keep you warm in July?

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Always was.

good luck you are an amerimutt on a proxy right?


Nations will always fail you no matter which one or in what form nor does. It matter who runs the nation. Trust instead in what doesn't perish no fail, God. If you build up your treasures with God and His Kingdom, they will last forever and never perish and you will never suffer again and be eternally happy with God.

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation:

Something worth watching if you have the time:

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using heating in the summer. good riddance of these pussies, i love to know how frozen human meat tastes.

I don't get it too. I heat maybe from October to march. And I heat with wood anyway. Cityfag problems I guess

Can someone explain to me what the fuck we even achieved in ukraine? If our plan was to stop the war why didn't we just put nato there and told russia that if they want confrontation they'll get one? If we wanted to see ukrainians suffer and their country bombed to shit why didn't we just drop them instead of donating BILLIONS in weapons and money to them. The war is still ongoing, ukrainians are still dying and russia is not stopping. Instead we killed our economy, we helped russia get of the dollar standard strengthening BRICS, saudia arabia is now accepting fucking chinese money for oil instead of dollars. What the fuck have we bought with ukrainian lives and our money that made it all worth it in the end?

Berlin already is a shithole

>there is no reason to stay in europe now
Hope to Christ this encourages all those damn migrants to fuck off.

this is central europe, not south america
it currently has 11°C so you can bet your buttocks this night will have single digit degrees, during summer

>flee to america
you made your bed

>What the fuck have we bought with ukrainian lives and our money that made it all worth it in the end?
Why do you think that you are part of the club? Jewlensky made many people richer, their goals are reached. We will get higher prices, Ukies will die and will kill some Russians if they are lucky. That's the deal.

Yes, always just run away from your problems instead of fixing them. And turn that new place into shit aswell, then run away again.

what are they heating in the middle of summer?

The point of Ukraine is to make europe poor. Sorry, you have been bamboozled by the pentagon.