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Niggers are like Spanish bulls, they see cop colors and they go full RAGE virus on them

This is old.

wtf is wrong with these creatures

If you know that you're going to die.
Why not do something meaningful that has a high risk high reward rate?
Why are niggers so stupid?

that's a nigger

>2035 , nigger-china wars
>Chinese soldiers try to seize the means of production after the invasion of the west coast only to be met by the only force able to stop them
>BBC and dead homies on god


it may have cost him his life but think of the clout he got for it online.

Live for the lulz die for the lulz. Respect.

Attached: No Chin No Hope.jpg (300x405, 24.29K)

Glad he decided to create us some entertainment in his final moments

he shot have taken out a few cops on the way out, pussy

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He was likely holding his gun sideways
Never been to a firing range
Only experience with guns is first person shooter games

I can't be convinced that niggers aren't mentally retarded.

Another unarmed black father killed while professing his love for his kid.

Stupid nigger

another tragic case of racist police violence
he dindu nuffin!

Kill all niggers

Im starting to think that blacks don't realize they exist.


What's he saying?
I've spoken English since I was 6 years old and all I understand is:
>twang boing nigga
>dey tweeng twaang nigga
>gon neeng nigga
>beeng deeng nigga
>meeng leeng nigga

>drop gun
>lay on ground with your hands spread out

How many years old is this? 1, 2, 3?

You don't need to go to a firing range to know how to shoot. Some people naturally know how to shoot. It helps if you have excellent hand-eye co-ordination so that you instinctively know where to aim your hand without thinking.

nigger moment

>natural born shooters
Says the bong who's not allowed to carry a butter knife

Jesus, you can clearly see he got shot in the chest, yet he yells "They got me", while running and trying to lift his shirt to show the wound to the public, not sure if its based or entirely due to niggers having a higher threshold of pain

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This is why I support abortion. It would have been both better for him and for society if he was never born.