$1.8 Trillion of student loans

So, the privately-incorporated NYFed now owns 1/3 of all US mortgaged properties through securitized mortgages (MBS). How long before the millennials figure out that their student loan payments are funding boomers' pensions?
pic rel the securitization of student loans aka Student Loan Asset Backed Securities (aka SLABS)

Attached: Student loans.png (2170x1278, 282.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1584279735086.jpg (960x540, 49.98K)

this is why we have illegal mass immigration, they need fresh debtors in the US

Attached: securitization craze.png (1570x496, 146.13K)

I hope you guys have enough silver.

>How long before the millennials figure out that their student loan payments are funding boomers' pensions?
Put another way.
Who fucking Cares?

Pay your loan back. You signed for it. You took the responsibility. YOU fucking pay it back, loser.

Attached: 1484998904604.jpg (449x600, 45.48K)

>their student loan payments are funding boomers' pensions?
How do I go about getting a pension from the Federal Reserve?

Attached: proletariat 4.png (640x512, 159.5K)

Jesus forgave all debts.

>You signed for it. You took the responsibility. YOU fucking pay it back, loser.
lol this doesn't seem to apply to the NYFed's primary dealers, they get welfare all the time

How does the private Fed and its private shareholders (the big banks) justify charging interest when they take no risk? If the Fed can give credit to its cronies by purchasing their junk corporate debt ETFs and worthless treasuries, they are taking no risk. They are, in fact, being rewarded for failure. Interest is only justified by risk in lending. The US really needs to issue its own currency, as these policies are treason-tier in regard to national stability and security. The days of the Fed are numbered, as fiat AND depegged Federal Reserve Notes are now being issued into oblivion. The Fed is the antithesis of free markets.

Attached: Sept 2019 bailout.png (1914x1234, 752.94K)

>>You signed for it. You took the responsibility. YOU fucking pay it back, loser.
>lol this doesn't seem to apply to the NYFed's 24 primary dealers, they get welfare all the time

Attached: 2008 failures get bailed out.png (1582x692, 209.01K)


Attached: 1562445630009.jpg (1024x768, 133.19K)

>student loans are less risky

Attached: SLABS debt class.png (1682x1068, 209.18K)

As a mechanical engineer this hurts me physically

>guaranteed yields

Attached: Student loans.png (1650x1366, 465.11K)


Or kill all boomer parasites instead.

that was real, too lol

Attached: Math 2019.png (1750x912, 1.08M)

pic related
blue no or low household debt:income ratio
orange 3:1 household debt:income ratio
what they want is new debt slaves and the opportunity to issue new debt, they have no concern for any real productivity stemming from the loans given to recently-fleeced sheep

Attached: 1999 vs. 2019 debt:income ratios.png (2880x1424, 2.8M)

it's is ALL about debt slaves for 24 nationless banks (The NYFed's primary dealers, which fund all other banks, as well)

Attached: 10% CLUB.png (2160x1304, 514.14K)

Attached: kek protect everyone by 36% interest rate cap.png (2666x1466, 484.79K)

and why are these debt zombie corporations (they roll their debt over and are only ever paying interest) allowed to be bailed out and not students, that may actually produce something in the future?
this is subversion of an entire country

Attached: corporate debt bought by fed.png (1598x1424, 541.56K)

>tech/greed/narcissism destroys humanity one person at a time
>people are surprised when the world turns into a superficial shithole loaded with people of low integrity, no skills and no standards

watch as the Federal Reserve Uniparty owns, datamines, monetizes, surveils, and profits from every transaction on the globe

today, most people are either:
corrupt (they are actively profiting)
compromised (someone is blackmailing them)
complicit (not outwardly doing anything illegal, but looking the other way so they may get theirs)
cowardly (they are too spineless to speak up)

We have all been living a horrible lie that only benefits those entities that issue the currency (24 international banks aka the NYFed's primary dealers) and those financial firms that they choose to fund.
This century-long, usurious scheme leads to a grotesque elitist class, inequality, misallocation of capital and market rigging. This constant skimming by the privately-incorporated Federal Reserve Uniparty leaves the citizens downtrodden and constantly in need of new loans and taxes. Until the Fed has been abolished, we will continue to devolve.

Attached: debt:net worth corporate bonds.png (2396x1602, 489.51K)


Attached: LOL 70% OF ANY TREASURY ISSUE .png (1178x816, 278.09K)


Attached: NYFed's Primary dealers on steroids.png (1488x1494, 277.9K)

let me squeeze this in before slid
The State Capitalist/Communist Regime of the Federal Reserve Uniparty

There is Free Market Capitalism, which we do NOT practice. This is when you have competition and the rewarding of success.
We practice State Capitalism (low grade communism) in which the central bank rewards their buddies whether or not they are successful. They also launder their worthless Federal Reserve Notes into real assets while doing so, which are then held by their private corporation. This is State Capitalism.

Again, NOT to be confused with free market capitalism, which is probably only truly practiced somewhere in the Andes.

The Federal Reserve is a private incorporation (it can be sued) and is the driving force behind the corporate takeover of our government.

State Capitalism (aka low grade communism directed by the central bank):
>the state has considerable control over the allocation of credit and investment
>planning to protect and advance the interests of big business against the interests of consumers.
>government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation
>publicly listed corporations in which the state has controlling shares

Good link for the Fed con in entirety, laid out in 105 posts.
Correction in archived thread: change mortgagee to mortgagor

Thread with more Fed info and links to house & senate crypto summaries:

Criminal activities of the NYFed's primary dealers

The NYFed investing in China:

Ukraine & its owner, the NYFed, a thread: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/373203255/

The irony here is that we are, in real time right now, witnessing the failure of low grade communism, aka state capitalism.

Attached: STATE CAPITALISM copy.png (2190x1524, 751.19K)

Attached: gold.png (412x152, 26.72K)

Counterfeiting via QE through the NYFed’s primary dealers which seditiously circumvents Congress’ SOLE authority to issue currency
Current and ever-increasing investment in China by our primary dealers (the owners of the NYFed and the failures of 2008 aka the issuers of our currency)
Reverse Repos actively paying MMFs to NOT invest trillions in America every business day
Fed officials blatantly violating federal criminal law for all to see by actively investing while making market-moving FOMC statements

The metastasizing fucking plague that is the Federal Reserve Uniparty is looking for many ways to be the ONE THAT ALLOCATES CAPITAL:
Fed proposing to allocate funding via CBDC issuance
Fed proposing to allocate funding via ESG (social/green credit of corporations)
Fed proposing to allocate funding via OCC Chief nominees (i.e. Saule Omarova and her ‘People’s Ledger’ communist manifesto, this failed)
Fed already does allocate funding via SPV liquidity during un/orchestrated crisis after crisis
Fed already does allocate funding via hedge funds using the repo and reverse repo markets
Fed already does allocate funding via QE liquidity
Fed already does allocate funding via funding to the MBS market

The NY Fed's QE counterfeiting scheme:
NYFed buys treasuries outright from NYFed primary dealers using reserves. This is QE.
Primary dealers take those reserves and earn IOER (now called IORB) on them, which is paid in cash to the primary dealers--cash, which they DO make interest on, this is their counterfeiting scheme (also, every penny paid in interest (cash) to the primary dealers for excess reserves also reduces the Fed’s remittance to the Treasury).
The Fed did this in response to the financial collapse of 2008 and is how its primary dealers have been effectively counterfeiting our currency since.

>fucking plague

Attached: NYFed's QE plague.png (2464x1086, 1.05M)