What secret does Antarctica hide?

Attached: antarctica.jpg (1024x1024, 162.03K)

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That there is absolutely nothing, not even Bacteria. I know, it's the hardest redpill to swallow.

what does he know?

Attached: penguin.webm (994x560, 2.99M)

a German that doesnt believe in Agartha is a crying shame.

>What secret does Antarctica hide?

...large underground cities build and inhabited by nazi alien hybrids.

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Why does the pingouin go to the mountain?

Secret Neuschwabenland Space Nazi biorobot Penguin surveillance drone obviously.

My gigantic cock

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I wish it was true. Doesn't mean I have to believe it before I see any hard evidence. There could be a lot of weird shit down there. The "Antarctic Treaty" is the biggest stinker in worldhistory and the absolute prove that all 'world gubamints' are in on it since WW2, and everything from the 'cold war' to the current Ukraine bullshit is just entertainment for the plebs. There is definitely something down there that they want to hide/makes them shit their pants (probably both), just doesn't compute otherwise. But speculation is funny but pretty much useless until one can go there and look for himself.

He saw the American Nazi

schizo time!

This is literally the stage for WW3/4


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globohomo headquarters

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There are a whole network of rivers and lakes under the ice, full of extremophile life.

Attached: nature-1657190070045-218.jpg (1920x1200, 1003.2K)

Fuck all. larp thread

Q probably is killary drinking adrenochrime with klaus and ursula posting from Antarctica.

we'll probably never know. /we're/ not allowed to go there.

With global warming we're going to save Violet from freezing.

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He was heading to Agartha, based Vril penguin. See you in Valhalla penguin

It's where the dome meets the ground.

Attached: antarctic treaty(1).png (1448x742, 418.63K)

Pssst, user. House constructor.

...of course you can go there, but its shit expensive and very dangerous when you dont have the experience and the physis to withstand the extreme enviroment conditions!

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