Gives no fucks. Raw dogs all his young employees
Cooms inside everytime, gives no fucks
Could impregnate a thousand women, and even that would not dent his pocket book. Most likely he has thousands of kids already. Did I mention he Only gives birth to male sons.
Leftists are Screeching about this of course.


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The thing is, Elon Musk isn't a millennial, which means he isn't handicapped by a chronic inability to function. Millennial males, in contrast, deliberately stunt themselves in adolescence because they can't handle adulting. Why do you think it's only millennials who ask for high school classes for personal finance when you can google that shit and learn in five seconds? Why do you think it's always millennial adults who pretend they loved reading so much, but it was big bad teacher who ruined it for them?

"Babe come here for a sec"
*Cums inside*
"Cya soon babe"

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Based. I support breeding harems in the ethnostate

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Home Economics was taught in school for decades. Gen-X here and learned to use a checkbook in highschool in the late 80s.

He's just super rich. Id knock up a bunch of women too if i were rich like him but im poor so i only have my 1 son

Actually one of his sons was a female.

His children are going to fight against each other over their inheritance.

She's jewish

his sons look like incels though

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They have stopped it in 2006 here, no wonder our generation sucks

I just turned 39 and learned how to do taxes and balance a checkbook in 6th grade but i went to an alternative public school where grades 6-8 were mixed and we picked our classes. That class was finance. We also had a class where we just played scrabble.

Why does he coom so much


Elon should pay is engineers to impregnate women. There are plenty of women to go around. Brilliance is in short supply.

They look fine to me. You’re probably so brain damaged by globohomo that anyone who doesn’t have colored hair and piercings and wacky clothing is an incel to you. It’s okay to be a normal white boy.

Based lad

His kids ain't gettin shit. That's already settled.
Why didn't that internal intern spell her name right? Siobhàn is the only correct spelling.

because he's high test, faggot

You shouldn't need a fucking class to teach you basic life skills. That's your parents' job.

>deliberately stunt themselves
how to stop that? I know I have all the tools to be successful but I always undermine my efforts. I don't even understand it

>Millennial males, in contrast, deliberately stunt themselves in adolescence because they can't handle adulting.

This is a pretty good insight.
Lately I have been looking back at the things I did to deliberately stunt myself, and recognize the same patterns in others my age. It was masochistic and I regret it.

But, I have read another perspective - that if kids are denied the opportunity to grow up, they will self destruct as a way to release frustration.
The argument was that millenials were systematically denied the chance to grow up by boomer society.

You have to unleash your inner white man and become the great man you were meant to be.

fug and checked

Since you asked nicely, the first step is to wean yourself off the internet.

>The argument was that millenials were systematically denied the chance to grow up by boomer society.

And it's a tempting proposition, but the catch is that millennials didn't learn anything from it and are culturally gentrifying Gen Z spaces.

The internet, and its consequences, have been a disaster for the white race. We have you Brits to thank for that.

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They probably fuck more bitches in a year than you shake hands with.

Based. The strong genes spread. This is evolution.

>Lately I have been looking back at the things I did to deliberately stunt myself, and recognize the same patterns in others my age. It was masochistic and I regret it.
how have you dealt with that though?

Kids look white and healthy. Isn't bleaching Jews a goodthing ?


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>Based. The strong genes spread. This is evolution.

Careful, you're gonna hear anons start whining about muh hypergamy. Leagues exist for a reason.

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>They probably fuck more bitches in a year than you shake hands with.

They shake hands with their dicks, so yeah, they're pretty big bitches.

Electric feel

>Teenage boys look goofy and awkard.
And have forever.

>his sons look like incels
They don't look German at all though.

Hypergamy is only bad because of child support.

Just try to take the steps you know you should be taking, even though its painful and uncomfortable.
Learn everything you can, by doing. There is almost nothing I have done in the past 10 years that didn't teach me some kind of lesson, even if I hated it at the time.

In short, I got a job, had a turbulent failed relationship, and then bought a house by myself.

All of it sucked and was hard, but I look at how far I've come and Im glad I didnt let any more years go by before starting


>Hypergamy is only bad because of child support.

It is every beta male's duty to support alpha males, just like it is every beta female's duty to support alpha females.

Spreading your seed is the only way to save the white race never wear a condom

>Only gives birth to male sons.
user, I... his son is now his daughter