Why do we need more than 500 million people on Earth?

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we dont, what is your point

we need dinosaurs

Why not 500000?
Just imagine: A single city, full of elites, served by loyal AI and perfect robots. No plebs to steal the elites' resources.

you tell me juden.

that webm is like essence of globohomo

Anyone who asks this question should volunteer to kill themselves first. The answer is that a planet without niggers would be great but the only people who propose 'reducing the population' in a Malthusian sense always think that they, themselves, are part of the indispensable group that will survive the purge and therefore a faggot to be ignored.

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Imagine your heart bleeding for Jamal not being allowed to have kids.

Let's stop with the genetic modification of food in order to support more and more population growth. It's artificial and a want, not a need.

Why the global elites? I would assume that global depopulation would hit rich and poor indiscriminately and without any way of fighting it

I would agree with you that population should be around 50000 or less globally for an optimal human experience in this world

stop making this fucking thread you god damn retard

When did i make it before, troll?

We already have more than that. Nebraska and both the dakotas are empty, so there is room for more.

What you are suggesting is wholesale slaughter and you are evil. If you think we are over populated, be part of the solution and kill yourself.

>single city, full of elites, served by loyal AI and perfect robots
what is the value creation chain and how does it work

>we need more people in the world, not less, or even the current number

The thing is, they want every to die except themselves.

We need na billion alone from india

>Why do we need more than 500 million people on Earth?
we need less.

I'll support no more than 500 million if OP is one of the 7 billion killed

Why do we need jews?

ya, OP should start lowering the number by killing himself first

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Most of them will be slaves to the top.