AP accidentally tweets Editor's note

Wait I thought AP does not have an Agenda?

Attached: 20220707_043443.jpg (828x1200, 177.18K)

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AP has been biased and un factual for years.

id bet my 1 shoe this kid wasnt even at the parade

what does hedge mean in faggy journo talk?

archive link please

Grow a shrub on.


Please get a brian, moran.

>What did he mean by this?

>use as a political tool

>Hedges, expressing ‘grey’ meaning, are widely used by the journalists to convey certain information related to ethics. According to ethics, sensitive case
associated with ‘ethnicity’, ‘race’, ‘religion’, and ‘social group’ should be presented in prudent way to avoid conflict which might
appear among parties involved in the news.
tl;dr obfuscating information to avoid giving offense

Who owns the Associated Press?

Thomson reuters corporation

Attached: Reuter Paul Julius.jpg (220x290, 20.57K)

Everybody is retarded? The editor is saying since the police weren't explaining how they knew who the shooter was, the journalists should remain semi-unconfirmational about "Robert E. Crimo III" actually being the correct ID of the shooter. For once it's the press doing what they should be doing.

Hedge--meaning keep this forefront
hedge my bets
hedge this info
(probably to make sure the fact he's jewish is suppressed).


Their article about the Ricky Gervais/Dave Chapelle show is proof that they are not unbiased

They’re hedging info on how the police found his identity
Which would be from the fbi telling them

Reuters and by extension Associated Press, has been conclusively proven by the free market to be perfectly neutral and objective in their reporting, chud.


Find a dog biscuit

>objective in their reporting

>whatever we CHOOSE to report will be unbiased
underreporting less favorable stories in favor of those who may have shared interest in the profitability of Reuters shareholders and the outside interest of the board members is tantamount to lying thru omission.