I don't want to eat ze bugs Any Forums

You fuckin schizos were right.
They are really going to do this!!

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NOOOOOOOO not the heckin creepy crawlies

We're always right but link?


>3 years pass
>Europeans embrace eating bugs
>they start being smug about it

why do they run headlines like this to pressure people into doing shit nobody does by insisting that they do.

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Jews user.

You know there is an acceptable amount of insects in food already according to FDA guidelines right? You've been eating ze bugs

You already know it.
That you WILL eat ze bugs.


So Europeans are going to sit in the cold and the dark this winter eating crickets to save the environment? Thats actually pretty funny

You idiots will line up and start eating bugs while calling anyone who says fight back a glownigger.

Bugs do not have all the special nutrients we need, which we evolved to eat via meat consumption.

dude, as god as my witness the first time I see bug foods in any supermarket, I'm literally gonna destroy as many packages of it as I can and then run and I'll do it WHILE i'm starving if I have to

Seriously, these fucking niggers like justin trudeau have no goddamn idea what its gonna be like when a million people show up to their mansion tear their bodyguards limb from limb and drag all of their children screming out of the house for 8 hour guillotine sessions
that isnt a threat, it's a guarantee

You can already buy cricket flour in supermarkets.

Another dollar in the Alex Jones was right jar.

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Trucker protest proves leafs don't have the balls to fight back

Europeans are disarmed and what eat what the elite class serves them, and they will be proud and smug about it.

Behold the superior European man. His name is Muhammad!

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Only if you eat goy slop and not 100% meat and dairy

they repealed the mandates within weeks after because they knew people were gonna start actually chimping out instead of having friendly light hearted get togethers

Your health Minister literally just said boosters every 9 months are going to be mandatory....

autistic swedish girl told us to sit in the dark and eat crickets so that's what we'll do