Is she worth a king’s ransom?

What should the U.S. give Putin in exchange for the proud basktball sheboon?

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One whole fried chicken.

>Corey, smokes, lets go.


She would eat it, tho.

Keep him

>moon man moon man
>black lives matter
>no more than
>fecal matter
I say we send em a pile of shit in exchange.

We don’t want it back. Putin can keep it and do whatever he wants with it

Is that song still on jewtube?

bout tree fiddy

Would you trade some mule shit for her? Seems fair.

lets send them some more hash oil and say
>keep him lol

America-hating nigger dyke broke the law in Russia, now screams and begs to be brought back to the place she has continually disrespected and openly despises? yeah, no.....

Rot in a gulag, you cunt-punching whore.

I'd love it if she was put in a cell and 5 years from now some American nigger is like, "Hey, whatever happened to that other nigger?" And Russia said, "Oh yeah I remember her, no idea." And then the world moved on because the left doesn't actually care about niggers, unless they can use them as a wrecking ball in America.

But don’t we need to bow to all niggers?

Not my problem, did you guy hear a troon shot up the georgia guidestones? I didn't even realize they existed in the balkans

Not if they're in Russia.

I hope they make an example out of this dyke.
The same leftists that have been lying about Russia and working to isolate them now demand Biden 'bring her home'.
*one less ratchet*

Attached: africa know.jpg (640x753, 81.57K)

A warm bag of shit. Only a nigger would try to smuggle drugs into a country with such harsh laws. Is she fucking retarded?

She wants to come home to her wife.

Let her rot.

>Is she fucking retarded?

Kinda getting Eric Andre vibes from OP’s pic


Why should anyone give a shit about a woman arrested for drug usage?
Do NOT do drugs in a foreign country!

She broke the law in Russia. Why should we give anything?