It's almost over

Modern neoliberalism-globalism (which is being pushed by a part of the USA's elites [the dem. party] and transnational corporations, especially of mass media) has the intention to reduce all the forms of collective identity. They have already destroyed the traditional values and gender, but it's just the preliminary work. "Collective identity" also means "nation-state" (a sort of World Gov. is already being installing as forms of euro-Atlanticism [the EU, NATO] etc.), "humanity" (the posthuman/transhuman/neohuman are being creating) and even "reality" (META is growing). Once they globalize the Earth with one "button" upon it, we shall face some real dystopia, since all the world will be "a sitting duck"; one will be able to do everything with it, for everything is reduced to one global centre of decision-making. And who knows who will be the pusher of such a button?

Are you ready for the future with chimer-ish human beings hybrided by non-human elements such as machines, animals, plants etc., sitting in their VR rooms, farming some shitcoins for nothing? For a Black Mirror and a Bladerunner? It might be fancy as some aesthetic fetish, but think harder: Do you really wanna live in such a world?

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Cheer up, faggot. Get a meal. Have some fun. None of that has happened yet. And if it's inevitable, why are you wasting your time suffering before it occurs?

And it's our generation to decide. The big turning point is already here.

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Oh user, I would wish 'they' knew what they are doing, but nope. It's just another collective of narcissists in power that will end up badly.

They are doing what i described: deliberately or not.

Because you cannot help looking forward once you see it coming. Also some aspects of the future may be inevitable but we can do what little we can to nudge it in some kind of way.

It is a mix of both. There are secret societies and round table groups and even some are devil worshipers who do horrific things. The thing many dont know is these families have been and are currently at war with eachother.

Nuclear war will start before that.

you're giving them too much credit as shizos would. 'They' are just a seasonal plague

Perhaps. But I don't believe personally.

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interestingly enough technology corrupts, we just cant get enough of it, its an endless "progress"

in the end every system gets centralised, as guy above said eat a meal and enjoy the real while its still here

"they" is just a collective abstraction of the bearers of such ideas and intentions, it has nothing to do with conspiracy, hence with schizophrenia. Such tendencies are a fact.

I do believe in the multipolar-world with local hegemonies as maximum.

Attached: multipolarity_0.jpg (605x340, 90.49K)

>Such tendencies are a fact.
The tendency is a fact, but the reality may be different from the intended outcome, as far as these techno nut elites are concerned. They may end up swinging from a lamppost.

Almost all of the countries there are dogshit and shouldn't exist. One-world is better, just without all the jews and afro-asiatic niggerino golems.

I hope so britbro. Our generation should do its best to make it happen.

>has the intention to reduce all the forms of collective identity
>"Collective identity" also means "nation-state", "humanity", "reality"
What a gay ass statement.
For starters, it's in the name. Globohomo.
Your attempt of equating reality and humanity with nation state is as globohomo as it sounds.
It's not about global, it's about homogeneity.
Second, the collective identity is an oxymoron, and you are a moron for shilling for it at the expense for individuality.
Faggots like you just can't wrap their dumb brains around the fact that attempts at uniformity, however the background for it, will push diversification at the boiling point, and it'll break things with a louder bang and more severe casualties.
That's the law of the reality, and people are acting in defiance of it for their whole history, trying to replicate its laws in separation, deluding themselves.

Too bad for them. And you are still a faggot for picking old globohomo over new one and not realising it.

>ancap meme flag

didn't read btw

I wonder if you even can read, you dumb faggot.

ok ive read and i didn't state anything you wrote here, literally no statements.