Is circumcision causing this or what?

Is circumcision causing this or what?

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No, its the drugs.

Yeah it's circumcision, kek.

It’s Trump’s fault

Desire for fame

No sadly “she” was inspired by radical trans ideology. It’s the first sign of mental health issues. Add to that he was inspired by radical leftist, this is your typical antifa archetype

It's, unironically, the jews.

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Why should I care about this mass shooting more than the other mass shootings that occur in Chicongo daily?

Yes Unironically, mass shootings only happen in America and like 60% of males are cut

daily reminder that being uncut is a goddamned disaster.. that extra fold of skin just holds nasty smegma and other stinking toxins. So glad mom and dad cut that nasty skin and as a result I am clean and fresh everyday.

They found Ezra Miller?!

>daily reminder that being uncut is a goddamned disaster.. that extra fold of skin just holds nasty smegma and other stinking toxins. So glad mom and dad cut that nasty skin and as a result I am clean and fresh everyday.

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unpopular opinion: people that don’t get pussy shouldn’t be forced to obey the law. forcing someone to support a society that hates them is morally wrong. innocent until proven guilty

Low Testosterone

Lol he thinks he’s him lmaoooooo

>internet use
>free porn
>weak fathers
It's a whole generation of little psychopaths and the fucked up thing is, ya can't even really blame them for it.

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I can't laugh at troons anymore bros. Now that we know the highland shooter is a troon, I checked twitter for comments about this. It was all troons saying
>Nooooo he's not a real troon
So I randomly clicked on one of them and this is what I found. I can't do it anymore, I'll laugh at niggers, handicapped people, i'll laugh at gore, but not troons. They are too sad, I feel too much guilt laughing at them.

Attached: random troon.jpg (982x1187, 121.9K)

This is a woman
Tranny rampage
I think because it's "dick" was a joke and it was disappointed and killed males for having nice penises

Though not as prevalent on the right, rightwingers do drugs too. Theres more to this then simply drugs.

Circumcision starts the process but mutt become brain damaged violent retards just by being exposed to their mind numbing society and it’s various forms of degeneracy through osmosis.

>All I'm missing is a master
I would absolutely destroy she/her's bussy

it has an extremely high correlation

At any given moment at any given time.
A troon can go full "angel of vengeance" mode.

Whatever gets your dried out dick through the day I guess