Disney to Remove Food Menu to Establish Plant Base Meals

Say goodbye to your favorite hot dogs and burgers at Disneyland and eat instead vegan food.

Disney and Beyond Meat PARTNERSHIP

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>go to see a fake castle and eat fake meat

can't wait to do that

There is absolutely no reason to ever go to Disneyland. Take your kids camping for a week instead and teach them how to fish and hunt.

>dismalland paris
if they fucking touch the steakhouse at epcot before I get a chance to eat there....

How is that "food" even allowed to be called "plant based" when it's full of GMOs, pesticides, preservatives, and other chemicals. I hate this gay earth so much

I dunno, the food at those places always seemed like the worst garbage. Maybe they had some actual overpriced restaurant though.

Water bottle is only $5

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They keep forcing that nasty processed goy slop

when i was a kid i got in for free because my faggot friend ( i didnt know he was a faggot at the time ) and we got a turkey leg before getting in line for the a haunted house. i thought it was pork because of the brine... i chucked it into the grave yard in the line before you get in. i felt it was appropriate considering i tossed it into their fake graveyard.. like yeah, theres some meat and bones for ya!

The burgers and hot dogs were barely real meat to begin with

Never been to Disneyland. What is the appeal of such a place anyway? Is it just an amusement parks with Disney characters?
I didn't even like Disney stuff as a kid, but that stuff seems like a religion over in America

Black bean burgers are tasty but they're not at all a true substitute for meat. Vegan substitutes for pork and chicken are fucking horrible.

Disney should make it no option and replace all their food with the fake meat, if they don't they aren't true believers in the bullshit, I would laugh because their revenue from food would dry up fast, ain't no one but a delusional retard gonna pay $20 bucks for a veggie burger.

Where does it say they're removing meat products

Vegan here, I've tried beyond and all that fake shit a few times, but it's unhealthy junk food. Skip that shit and bring your own food to eat. I generally make two black bean and yam burgers and bring those to theme parks. They let you bring in your own food if you're on a special diet.

Vegans should stop trying to substitute food. Egg replacers, fake meat, ect. Just asking for cancer eating that shit.

>staffed by fake French people

Do they allow you to bring in your dialator as well?

I wrote off going to any Disney location after they instituted biometric ID. This is just yet another reason.

I thought they served Cunny.

I agree, that Beyond crap is garbage. My parents are hippies from the sixties and I grew up eating and cooking all kinds of vegetable only dishes. Extremely delicious and healthy. My parents took me one of the last Grateful Dead Concerts. There we had Huge Veggie Burritos for $1 a piece. They where absolutely delicious. Since I knew my spices from taste. I started making them at home the same way.

Plus, Disney has been the worst offender when it comes to copyright law, they are one of if not the biggest reason why copyright law is so strict and extended.


Good. Remove more idiot food choices from menus and watch fat illiterate people with cancer cry that they dont get a steak burger

I was 320lbs (as of 07/22, I'm at 173lbs) and had total cholesterol of 350. Doctor wanted to put me on Lasik, but I knew that would be a life long prison sentence. So, decided to try going vegan and working out. I walk 9 miles a day, and dropped all meat. About a year later my total C was down to 150. So I get that veganism is generally a lefty tranny thing, and generally those types of vegans eat unhealthy as fuck or use it simply as an excuse not to eat, but for me that shit saved my life. /endblog



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Beyond meat smells like plastic

>Say goodbye to your favorite hot dogs and burgers at Disneyland
Damn, what will I ever do with an extra $30 now?

they use dead babies for their beyond meat

They can have my comically oversized smoked turkey leg when they pry it from whatever fingers diabetes lets me keep.

Can't speak for Disneyland, but as a young kid going to these places in Orlando was the shit (of course, we're talking decades ago at this point). To be fair, Universal Studios was way more fun and is better for the whole family (better "rides" and shows, etc).

The french are Godless
disney is satanic
we should not be surprised

I have never seen or heard of a single person actually buying that beyond meat trash

how does this company still exist

> last gasps of two borderline bankrupt companies
lmao good riddance

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>how does this company still exist

Probably capital injection from the Federal Reserve and/or BlackRock.