Why does she make a weird face...

Why does she make a weird face? Is it because she has no empathy so she doesn't know what emotion to show so she ends up doing a weird smirk? This is a psychological problem.

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her face shows consternation.

She makes the smug face because she knows that the system protects her and that she can print billions of dollars at will without being accountable for her actions.


shes a ukrainoid jew with nazi grandparents. She's a bit confused.

she's so fucking annoying.
anyone can tell she has absolutely no fucking clue what she's talking about when it comes to the economy.
the passive-aggressiveness and the extremely condescending tone is what really annoys me.

I like how she says "Vladimir Putin"

She's a textbook example of the Canadian left

I remember a few years ago my exs boomer in laws (who hate trudeau) actually liked freeland.

Stupid fucking boomers

They're all antisocial psychopaths, no concept of what the socially accepted expression is.

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She has genuine neurological issues and is 100% on some sort of psychotics

This as well

She cute


She's schizophrenic like most jews

Say hello to Canada's next PM. F

Haha nice one

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I am jelly. This is now a Justin Trudeau aesthetic thread.

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Dare I say that would be far worse than even Trudeau

apparently a 5ft drop is the most painful way to hang someone.

She likes Russians. She is a Russophile. I have known her work for since the early 2000s. She thinks Russian oligarchs are based.

>She's a textbook example of a Canadian

The only way I would reasonably interact with her is in a hypothetical self-defense type scenario

psychopath uncertain which emotion to imitate

>(((((Russian)))) oligarchs
Sure thing kike

A Ukrainian Jew loves Russians , I'm sure she does.

Don't forget to check out the Asian Canadian Health minister.

She was in the important yet boring ministerial positions without anything newsworthy happening for years. In Canada that's all it takes usually. Paul Martin and Jim Flaherty both benefitted from this as well. Then add that she's a women who wasn't Kim Campbell.