One of the Georgia Guidestones

Sign from God? Judgment from the Lord? Made by Chinese construction company?

Attached: Georgia Guidestone Collapsed.jpg (464x756, 33.69K)

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this is a good sign

Attached: 1626296694848.jpg (1024x958, 71.29K)

Should have been torn down a long time ago, but Americans are docile pussies.

Looks the same as always

God be praised. Christ is King!!

Now we tear the people themselves down

this was typed by hands locked in a covid camp

King Of the Jews !

Attached: christcuck and the jew psyops8.jpg (512x512, 69.11K)

Anyone could have stuck a backhoe on a trailer, drove to Georgia and demolished those things in 10 minutes. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet

Guidestone bros... we got too cocky.

Attached: 1565856620722.jpg (396x385, 26.6K)

yeah remember when they killed Christ as part of their plan
and then Christians slaughtered Jews for thousands of years
Super devious of the kikes

Attached: Jew Seethes About Christians.jpg (594x663, 193.9K)

residents heard an explosion

That this pile of shit is still standing is to me the sign above all that nothing ever happens, that nothing will ever happen and that we are all fucked. Seriously, how many decades has it been standing? And not a single nutjob with terminal cancer took one for the team and destroyed this monument to Satan? EXPLAIN THIS.

its pretty effective for redpilling normies on the depopulation agenda
What the Enemy Intends for Evil, God Will Use for Good

How is it a monument to satan? It's just a midwit's take on how future societies should live after globohomo destroys everything. Reducing the population (through something crazy like a fertility destroying vaccine) is probably a good thing after seeing how everyone has been acting lately.

based and Marvin Heemeyer Pilled

Ha ha ha ha! Try to destroy and take over the world, get fucked by God.

We should have finished the job!

Pull it.

top view before this heap of shit and the people that support this wicked shit get obliterated.

Attached: 426873568.jpg (1280x720, 227.57K)

Satan's primary goal is subverting God's natural order
God's basic want for us is to be fruitful and multiply, the Guidestones command 92% of all living human be depopulated.
The Guidestones are an affront to God and their builders are assuredly Satanists

Fuck all you cucks. The guidestones were based


Yep, somebody used explosives on it, took one pillar down.. I'd bet it's the pillar with the population order.