Wednesday 6 Juli 2022. I am forgotten

Where is he bro's?

Attached: Punditry.png (335x380, 137.03K)

Hes running some media company that gets more views than LBCs immigration good brexit bad programming.

Yeah he's at the head of that "Lotus eaters" show isn't he? Clips from that are on YT. But it surprises me that he would be content with fading out of the limelight and not feature in videos himself.

Appears to he doing really well.

He is a racist piece of shit

He's right there

who's this guy? Sephiroth Alakazam?

He actually stopped being a lolbert recently didn't he. So he's mentally over 20 at last

Who's this? Some pedo or school shooter?

Carl you cheeky cunt turn the vpn off we know its you

Hes the most radical centrist on the internet. Sargoy of acuck.

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He is got a successful media company. Lotus Eaters they pump out videos every day plus more on the website. There is a whole history section he finally got to do.

Everyone wishes he was. His endless apologetics for multi racial ideas are tiring.

how does lotus taste?
he is a normiecon now

He has his own show called "the podcast of the lotus eaters" there's clips on YT and full episodes on Rumble.

He does feature in them, he hosted one earlier today, they have a rotation and he also makes a bunch of history vids too (not on youtube but on their actual site) since now he has the money to just make what he wants.

>There is a whole history section he finally got to do.
what did he mean by this?

As society has degraded hes sort of looked back and said you know cultural Christianity wasn't bad. Maybe go back to that.

They are rolling out the white ban. He's gone and so are you.

He was bitching for years how he wanted to stop doing politics and do history content. He started a channel for it once when he was still full youtube and they banned it two or so videos in for no reason just cause he was under fire at the time.

If you don't know what happened to him you haven't been paying attention. Maybe stop watching shit like sh0eonhead or Chris raygun for a change


That is fucking hilarious and pointlessly mean and petty. Why is the left like this? They could have just let him talk about 1066 or some shit for the rest of his life. Why do they keep prodding people into action?

He's got some website with a podcast and has become more conservative especially since adopting then producing a child.

Intelligent guy. I appreciate his astute and nuanced understanding of English and concepts. Talks like a twat though.

I thought he just married a women with a child? Good on him for reproducing I guess tho.

They are an ideology and they cannot allow thought out of theirs to exist. Inevitably they become completely intolerant and create the movement against them.

And ya if they were smart they would punish anyone talking about politics and then reward them for fucking off to do something else.

But then again the left doesn't understand incentives and human nature so good luck on that.

Jim Metakour
I miss him jimbros

Stefan Molyneux? The writer of Gerilla mindset?