Literally 1984

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Why do i get the feeling that’s not true

>literal who
>no context given
sage and move on

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jewven kike btfo


Ho Ho Ho

days without lying jews 0

Why do libs brazenly lie? 85k retards upvote Stephen Kike's tweet and didn't bother to fact check.

why would they be interested in such data

Even if it's fake and gay that is legitimately a solid idea, imagine being able to look at your teacher's background on political affiliation after the give a especially discouraging lecture about the whites or even about America as a whole. It will give accurate numbers.

to establish the level of ideological freedom in the academy

What's it like to be a simple 80 at best IQ NPC and respond like a moth to a flame?
You are that simple

to achieve what

>Literally who
Oh you have none but a twitter screen cap?
Great job.

Just two kings conversing

Its also the only dimension of identity that isnt a protected class, which is probably why this scares someone like Stephen King so much.

>85k retards upvote Stephen Kike's tweet and didn't bother to fact check.
Implying anyone on Any Forums isn't a retard and does fact checks of random tweets.

Their entire ideology would fall apart if they didn't.

eventual expulsion of the jews obviously

to evaluate whether or not our institutions are recruiting without bias, which they currently are

they're also gunning for overturning tenure and instituting periodic evaluations and review for professors.

>13k retweets vs 60
Yet the lie has gone farther than the truth ever will.


>recruiting without bias, which they currently are
this is unclear


Libshits mad they didn't pass it first
>It's only okay when we do it

>posts screencap
>defied by another screencap

>chill out, stephen, no one is going to force you to report your opinions on age of consent laws

Non-autists will love DeSantis for it.

Im a PhD student who teaches in FL with a public university. It's really just a dumb questionnaire that is so basic you can make yourself seem neutral in it. More of a survey really.

Desantis is exceeding all expected based levels

Do five seconds of googling you Swedish fish fucker. Seethe more. I'm not here to do your work, fucking lazy contrarian faggot.

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DeSantis is overrated and very divisive to be honest.

I'm sure this is a truthful as the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

That minivan should have backed up. Prove me wrong.

>I. Can't. Even.

Attached: read_a_book_you_dumb_fuck.png (500x824, 558.95K)

Imagine how good it will feel to hit Stephen King with your car while going 70 mph and watch with a giant shit eating grin on your face as his body gets launched clear across the road landing head first onto the asphalt road. The person who ran him over all those years ago was a lucky dude.

Its a game of telephone. Libs operate like high school girls who go around telling lies and spreading rumors. That's how they get power. They make up this insane stories and claims and get their followers to go with it.

Also I've read Stephen King and he is a terrible writer. He's such a shitty writer he can't even enjoy good adaptations of his books like the Shining. King hated the Shining but thought this awful B list movie of one of his books was his favorite. I forget which one.

The NPC attempts damage control
You're fucking owned.
Why not kill yourself shitskin?

Very specific, but okay.

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And yet they never did, anywhere.

I'm sure that's exactly what the bill says, Steve.

hahaha okay. you've obviously never sat in on a faculty recruitment committee

>he is actually going to put down his political views on a sheet
Bro just put A political and get on with you life lol!

They are all satanists. Secularism is satanism.

King should've died in that car accident

This. Political views have conveniently been left out of all the civil rights 14th amendment stuff libs have been crafting for the last 60 years. They've sort of gerrymandered the law to make it so their constituents win all legal battles, everything else being equal. No Republican has ever used this oversight as an excuse to fire or not hire Democrats, til now I guess. Hence why they're mad.

Stephen King; child rapist and murderer.

Let's dig up his property.

If they're going to try and indoctrinate kids via schools then yeah they're going to have to do an even split of Republican and Dem. This is what the Dems wanted

>that filthy cokenail
absolutely disgusting

Satan is lit!

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also he spends A LOT of time describing kids fucking or penis veins through tight shorts


diversity is our strength. ideological diversity and freedom is a good in and of itself.

why does he talk like a teenage girl

He's not lying. He really believes what he posted. It's like how so many on the Left thought Rittenhouse had shot black people. They see the Twitter headline that is written for their confirmation bias, and then they are off. They do this as they constantly tell each other they are the educated morally superior side. It's a mess.

these are all games to agitate the left/liberal more.
Next president would a war president and then he will resign after country becomes too much "racist" and "anti-peace"

>Any Forums: "Eww fuck off"
>*posts pic of libtard predictably overreacting and calling gay conservative a Nazi*
rinse and repeat

it happens all the time, retard

based if true, Florida would be the first to conduct a tranny purge
but sadly i think there's a 99.9% chance this is fake

Whens this faggot going to become a ghost

It is very weird. I feel like DeSantis will make people wish they had Trump.