Why is approaching women on the street illegal in the West?

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only if you are not white.

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I can see the glasses and lack of chin under that heavy hood.

Women approach me but it’s not illegal. Why the double standards?

Because it's fucking weird.

"Hi miss I saw you and determined we should fuck!"

Guys like this have no social life or interests, hence the cold approach.

narcisist laws, american woman think their shit don't stink and only chad should ask them out

Would you want some stranger to come bothering you when you are simply minding your own business?

it's not illegal, they get approached all the time. men have just been memed so hard as being awkward people that the average man is getting smarter and being more selective with making themselves appear available.

in this day and age, the internet will tell anybody (especially the younger you are, for some reason) how to act, dress, talk, etc. long story short everyone can look the same as easily as each other , and appearances mean a lot less than they did before.

>Guys like this have no social life or interests, hence the cold approach
You just autistically speed-walk to your Warhammer 40K meeting instead of stopping to get her number.

I don't think that/s quite what people say but okay.

Women and simps outnumber normal people.

If I don't want somebody bothering then I don't talk to them. It doesn't have to be illegal.

Universe 25.

We're all so high value men and women now we're going to ignore be each other blaming the other for loneliness that ends in suicide, child sexualities abuse, and random violence.

High value.

be tall and good looking and suddenly it's not harrassment

That is the inference, though. You have absolutely no context which draws you together, you are just a stranger identifying her as a potential mate.

Amusingly leaf I DO wargame, but pussy has never been a problem because I also play music, bushwalk etc with friends and there I meet people.

The 'wah why can't I cold approach' crowd are literally autistic.

Women always signal first. Western women, most women, are dysfunctional and don't understand body language or anything relating to healthy sexy relationships. I like approaching thai hookers because they scream at me. Very sexy yas. When I see women walking around I get PISSED OFF.

you realize that there were countless other mouse utopias that worked out great and that the overpopulation is what drove the destruction of social cohesiveness and not the availability of everything.
no one who memes universe 25 has read anything of calhoun

You're a disgusting fatoid that has never seen a woman's ass that wasn't covered in cellulite and acne.

> Look at me! I read stuff!

Get the fuck out posturing faggot, if there were countless other most utopias how could you have read all about them?

Learn to use words bucko

>pussy has never been a problem because I also play music, bushwalk etc with friends and there I meet people
I have hobbies too, Bruce. Just admit you're too scared to talk to girls randomly.

>Learn to use words bucko
>other most utopias
you are a failure.

you are a stupid faggot that puts his spin onto everything just fuck off.

>simply minding your own business?

cut the fucking self important act, human interaction is not bothering, is an oportunity to meet a serial killer or the man of your life.
fuck off cunt i would definitely don't want to meet a self important cunt like you that for sure

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