Vaxxies are dead men walking

>Grammy award-winning artist Carlos Santana collapsed on stage during a concert Tuesday night in Michigan due to heat exhaustion and dehydration, according to his manager.

>>Highs in the low 80's high 70's
>>Heat exhaustion at night
Vaxxtards are so fucked. Their hearts can barely handle any physical stress thanks to all the spikes clotting their arteries. How much longer will people deny the connection?

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any source that Carlos is a vaxxtard?

I want to see more of this. Let them start dropping out in the middle of the streets by the dozens.

Everyone in Hollywood and entertainment is. He'd be cancelled if he wasn't. However, if someone can provide proof that'd be great.

Also this...

Attached: APjab0B_d~2.jpg (640x944, 245.28K)

I think that celebrities can afford fake certificate. I bet the ones trurly believing in vaxxscam are the ones bragging on social media, so I need post like that. Also, Santana is just old, he had some heart problems prios iirc.

2 more weeks eh?
God you people are retarded, i'm not vaxxed because I'm young and healthy but i'm also not mentally ill who attributes every medical emergency to fucking vaccines

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The dude smoked himself retarded and is old as fuck, of course he's gona struggle in a heatwave. Nothing burger

The heat is from the stage lights as well


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He's a hundred.

>>Highs in the low 80's high 70's
>>Heat exhaustion at night
durr what is humidity hurr

Most lighting setups use LEDs nowadays which produce very little heat.

oh no all that coke he did in the 60s is running out

Two more weeks right? Antivax virgins get more and more desperate every day.

It might of been 80s, but with the Midwest humidity it felt more like 101. I'm one State over and it was unbearable yesterday.

Do you know the origin of the two week meme? It was from leftists saying the original lockdown would only be two weeks to flatten the curve. As we all know it turned into two years. Hence our joke. Now as a leftist who lacks creativity and integrity you've stolen the joke but you've altered its meaning to suggest we gave a two week timeline for vaccine damage. Not only is this inaccurate, it's cringe. We were right with our mocking. You are wrong. You can ignore reality but your side is getting sick. Your side is dying. Your family and friends don't understanding what's happening and you probably don't either. We are not desperate. You are.

is that what your internet friends told you?

mentally ill collectivist who can only see two factions of people
you arent right about the vaccines killing people in significant numbers by the way

Your question is almost incoherent. In two posts you've showed some signs of brain decay. You should get that checked out. Unfortunately there's a backup of appointments so you might have to wait a few months to see a specialist.

Explain a third side in state sanctioned vaccines.

exactly what i mean. you think everyone who doesnt agree with you wants state-mandated vaccines

I might take you seriously if you came from a real country and not just an african colony in europe.

>unknown causes
during the trials (and i didn't save the image) the person would die of a heart attack 3 days after the vax. but then the "investigator" running the trial would go "no reasonable possibility it's due to the vax" or "probably atherosclerotic disease". And they'd just leave it at that, no autopsy, no nothing.

Now same things happening. it's a heart attack, from somewhere (probably the vax). But everyone is just guessing.,

Oye como va, me ritmo, bueno pagozar, mulata

Axl in trouble also

>this totally happened I read it on twitter so it must be true
Antivax virgins, the dumbest of the dumb.