How much inferiority do you think they feel

these ugly disgusting low-IQ brown goblins are surrounded by white people in media and advertising like look at that stupid cunt's shirt LMAO it has frozen characters on it they know they will never be as beautiful as whites and will always be inferior, lesser beings

Attached: skynews-honduras-migrants-tear-gas_4500134.jpg (1600x900, 290.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

who the fuck cares
fuck off with your thrash

bump this:
worldwide revolution stage 2 nigger

They are too low IQ too care about this stuff

kill yourself advertising nigger i don't give a fuck about your faggot plebian uprising

her children have anglo characteristics such as brunette hair and light skin.

And Any Forums will say Trump wasn't based.

because he wasn't, he monitored the situation while america got browner

>her children

He sent the agents who are reinforcing the border and used the tear gas in this picture which Biden would never do. Also this

Yeah, no one asked for your racist ass opinion. You sound like a sad incel

>trump cuts legal immigrants by half
>2020 in the middle of covid
it happened here too doofus

Those sub-humans are at the moment fucking you over and replacing you in your own country, so figure out what it says about you.
The same with Jews, chuds here should be more humble and stop with the superiority complex.

Alright true but he still cut more than a dem would have. And he had done things before then like remain in Mexico and the muslim ban.

Poor people with bad diet and poor healthcare tend to be ugly regardless of race.
The loli with the Toy Story shirt still looks half-decent and will probably be trafficked as soon as the pedocratic elites get the chance.
Also, your country is being overrun by Pakistanis and Indians so should you really worry about Hondurans in the US?

The cut by half was before covid.

After covid it was cut almost entirely.

Attached: 1603088636749.jpg (830x802, 241.42K)

so far biden has deported more illegals than trump and the "muslim ban" was some half assed shit meant to please his voters that got overturned immediately
i'm allowed to call ugly people disgusting goblins no matter where they are from. am i supposed to be thinking about pakistanis 24/7?

>am i supposed to be thinking about pakistanis 24/7?
Some little English girls do, whether they like it or not.
Some traumas are difficult to forget.

Attached: horrific betrayal pedo gang.jpg (1610x2048, 361.42K)

>deported more illegals
It's a fake statistic because the dems let more in and so more end up getting deported by the legal system.
The fact that you even bring up this fake shit makes me think you are a shill

why are you on my case. this is a thread about ugly latin americans. if you want to talk about pakistani rapists go make a thread about that
>"shill shill shill!"
opinion discarded

It's not an opinion, it's a fact

yeah i wouldn't know i never bother to read your post, i just saw the word shill and ignored it

No you've got your facts completely wrong
And the muslim ban was done early, got upheld by the supreme court and lasted the entire term until Biden rescinded it

Yea you read it but your jew brain enacted protocol 666

We are used to that here.

Attached: 1625186048469.jpg (850x446, 194.7K)

don't care man trump has zero legacy and america is on the same path towards becoming brazil 2