Tell me why food, housing and healthcare shouldn't be free and available for everyone?

Tell me why food, housing and healthcare shouldn't be free and available for everyone?

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Food is free, just go out and hunt your meat. Or capture some wild animals and breed them in your yard - you'd have your own farm
Oh you don't know how or it takes too long? That's why you pay faggot, so that others can do it for you

They are, grass is everywhere for you to eat and you can do wonders with a needle and thread

Because Any Forums are all think they are top class because they are white.they think they are strong because they are white. Because they think they are the one who really matter. They want extinct all weak. Of course themselves is not weak. They always think they are smart enough and hard working.

Because you get a free house and are a law abiding citizen yet get housed next to the Rednecks smoking meth and fighting in the street.

What do you do?

Who are you planning to steal them from?

You are not entitled to the labor of others like the bourgeois you supposedly hate
If you want those things, then you will work for them, one way or another

I get it from a food bank
I squat until I get told to leave lol sometimes it takes years
the ER isn't legally allowed to turn anyone away.

No because they should be. The State just sucks at providing them harder than a shitty hyperinflation riddled market does.

People that demand free things are usually those that don't contribute to society.

>don't contribute to society.
You got me there.

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Because they are not.

They should be, but the jews want to use them to enslave you.

It already is. What do you think the nigger women with 6 kids who never had a job in her life is doing?

they should be free and available for everyone
not everyone can be rich and the rich people need people to make their starbucks for them and stock the shelves in stores and shit like that. do they expect the workers to be homeless and work?

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Because most don't deserve it

Because there are a lot of us, we have to create it and have a way to distribute in a way that takes into account both the acquisition and consumption in such a way that is reliable each day and in harmony with resources. Just saying it should be okay without acknowledging this logistical responsibility is the issue.

Who's going to pay for it?

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Nobody wants you to know this but the ducks at your local park are free and you can take them home.

Requires the labour of another human being.

You don’t just pass a law and give that stuff to everyone. It needs to be produced first. So the. The question arrises on how to most efficiently produce stuff.

Right now there are too many problems in producing the essentials.
Farming is encumbered by fertilizer shortages due to natural gas shortages due to retarded environmentalists.
Housing is scarce due to immigration and zoning laws restricting density.
Healthcare is expensive due to restricted competition between hospitals as well as easily abused patent laws and the FDA creating drug monopolies that last forever (artificial scarcity).

Those issues need to be solved. You can throw as much money as you want at people, but if you don’t solve supply constraints then they will just use that money to outbid each other for the limited supply.

Stupid CHUD
What don’t you understand about what the concept of FREE is?

here you go, you parasite

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Because you don't deserve any of it.

>shouldn't be
Tell me how they could be.

nothing that someone else is required to provide can be a right

can i go on government land and build a hut to live in? no? then where can i live?

Unfortunately, in my country they are.

Because you have to steal it from someone to give it to someone else. Earn your own way.

It should. Now start farming free food and build me a house and take care of all my health problems for me and my seven kids. Thanks user

>Earn your own way.
No I think I'll continue bleeding the system.
Thanks for the food stamps. I bought some ice cream with them just now.

>Thanks for the food stamps. I bought some ice cream with them just now.

By mandating that you are entitled to the labor of others you make slavery inevitable.


oh no!

Nothing is "free." To get those things free, you literally have to enslave someone to do it for you for free.

because i don't care about niggers