You cannot defend this without shamelessly getting on your knees, opening your mouth...

You cannot defend this without shamelessly getting on your knees, opening your mouth, and begging for CEOs (Jews) to cum into your mouth AKA being an average American right winger.
Why do Americans love CEOs (Jews) blowing loads into their mouths while they beg for it like cattle?

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Bernie maks 700x thant the average voter, he also scammed people to give money to hillary

Maybe they just really happen to enjoy the flavor of Jewish semen?


So what's your solution, take their money and give it to every nigger in the third world?

Maybe we should send all of our niggers to Norway for a better life. Reparations and sheeeeeeit

Cap their salary and put it back into the business. Either as investment or/and worker pay. Dan Price lowered his salary from over 1 million to 70k and raised his worker's salary to a minimum of 70k and company productivity shot up. The company's employees also started having kids, their stress levels went down, and they found their work more fulfilling because they no longer needed to worry about basic survival.

Right wing Americucks like Rush Limbaugh said it was communism and that the business will fail, but it has only grown more successful. Workers cooperatives like Mondragon are some of the most successful companies on the planet. The idea that the typical corporate structure learned at a business school is the ideal one is a lie.

Sander's post is whataboutism

Yeah but i literally only know american ceos, is this about how norway ceos are being paid too much for how little they contribute?

It's about CEO pay and corporate structure in both cases. So no.

CEOs create value for their customers and dignified well-paying jobs for people. Many businesses also contribute to furthering mankind's knowledge and quality of life.
What value has Bernie Sanders ever contributed to the world?

niggers are worth 1/351th a normal person, so that explains it.

>it's a great idea and it's in the company's best interest
>but we need to force them to do it
Get fucked you authoritarian faggot

i don't complain that bernie sucks 351x more dick than the average faggot

If they're not forced, most will not do it.
Your post is on a tangent and doesn't address what is being stated. Nobody is arguing that CEOs are unnecessary or not valuable.

>CEOs create value
Explain what that means, "creating value," in your own words.
I know that I can "create value" simply by monopolizing a scarce resource, including with violence, yet nobody will truly value or respect this and will only try to kill me, or at the very least take this control over that resource away from me. The ability to set prices for strategic and vital resources is something people have actually gone to war over, so I don't think CEOs just "create value."

Then they'll get out-competed by the ones that do. Unless you don't actually have any confidence in the efficacy of your idea

>Then they'll get out-competed by the ones that do.
How? For what reason? You're spouting empty bullshit fed to by decades of propaganda.
CEOs who don't follow the environmental or health regulations don't outcompete the ones who do, they go to prison or lose their jobs for polluting the environment or making their customers sick.

Both communism and capitalism are jewish constructs, limbaugh is a shabbos goy and sanders is a literal jew. Natsoc is the third way

Fuck ‘em’ both
Fuck commies
Fuck CEOs too