White woken are the worst women in the planet and i’ll explain why

White woken are the worst women in the planet and i’ll explain why.
Black men are pushed by jews to be the most desirable on the planet. Yet the only retards falling for this are white women (and jews). Understand this, if every woman in the world could have a white man they would, expect for white women. White women can get white men and choose not too. The rest, even with the nigger agenda being pushed right now, would still choose a white man if they had the choice, even (especially) black women. Yet the only ones that can freely and easily get white men are white women and arguably asians. And despite this they still go for niggers.

Why are white women (and jewish women) the only ones dumb enough to fall for this propaganda? Why does it work so well on white women as opposed to other races?

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Yet Any Forums say whites are the dominant race. How can you be dominant if your people are so easily brainwashed?

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To summarize, why is it the only women that can freely get white men are choosing not too? Other women dream of it, yet these white whores can and dont

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White men are superior white women are retarded

And this concerns me how? The prick wants to prick us all with the VAIDS jabs. Hopefully his daughter will get aids and die a painful death of no one else fucking her. Coal status yet to be updated.

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Maybe it's all part of the psyop to delete whites through racemixing and migration.
Whites receive propaganda that they should love blacks and feel guilty about how much they're the opressors of everyone else. This leads whites to feel bad and be for other races, especially women.
Blacks and Asians receive propaganda that they're opressed by whites in multiple ways (this creates inferiority complex, causing black men to desire white women more than their own and asian/black women to desire white men more)

Bill Gates is Jewish you faggots.


Imagine being as cucked as Bill Gates

Both of his daughters are race mixers and his son will probably come out as a tranny. Truly a cursed bloodline.

Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Epstein are all INTPs. The most rational and self-thinking type there is.

I bet Gates knows this is an utter, unmitigated disaster and has chills running down his spine. But what can he do? Just like Elon hates this tranny culture yet his son turns into a tranny due to this mother's influence... what could Elon/Bill even do at this point?

Elon has it figured out though, he just made a fuckton of kids so one of them is bound to turn out alright

That's very funny. Hope his half nigger grankids ruin him.

I hope that black man dates Bill without consent one day.

I guess you're also against the idea that whites are colonizers and opressors then.

>be rich as fuck
>can't even have a proper family
It's easier to make a major breakthrough in theoretical physics nowdays than to have a normal, stable family it seems.

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Notice how these faggots will do everything they can to hide themselves from doing ultra shaddy shit like stealing billions in tax dollars, getting subsidies and spying on you and stealing your data but they will openly market and advertise stupid mundane bullshit like thier family's dating which doesn't mean shit. It's obviously a shit show to distract you from the fact that blacks will get more abortions funded by bill gates planned parenthood and blacks get the basketball my bbc fuck ur daughter rapper #1 pat on the back and elon musk getting tax dollars to fund his entire operation from tesla to spacex but oh no look at my son is a tranny boo hoo me! Feel sorry for me based white boy while i drop another 40 billion on twitter which i will use to chain ur ass up while i got satalites watching everyone's asshole across the globe. Fuck you pussys

my daughter did too now i don’t feel so bad

>I guess you're also against the idea that whites are colonizers and opressors then.

Every dog has its day.

>White woken are the worst women in the planet
Yeah, they don't even have a tail.

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The Romans did similar with white people throughout Europe, showing all local men as a mockery while pushing the idea of superior Roman seed. White women are bred to be easily manipulated and betray their race, just as the kike loves.

bill gates is a kike, and his daughter is a kike

I knew you coming, my nemesis. Repent.

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