Aus/pol/ - no news edition

How big of a poo do you think this roo can do?

Attached: ROO.jpg (1024x768, 135.03K)

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The kangaroo is fucking jacked

would have to stick my dick up there to see

I thought they had droppings similar to deer.

how are they built like mike tyson? are they the niggers of nature?


Roo need to leave doggos alone

Attached: Australia.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

What are the best seeds to eat? I can only buy one type due to cost. I was thinking pumpkin seeds.

comment section is on, it's full of vaxx enthusiast seething that more people are refusing boosters. Strangest thing is how so many of them consider freedom to be a negative, how fucked are we as a society when people actively do not wish to be free.


Don't eat seeds user, you'll have a plant grow in your stomach. But if you really want to eat seeds, I'd recommend collecting apple seeds and eating them all at once.
have a look at their post on fb, there are always vaxxies in the comments defending their precious vaccine.

Dogs need to leave Roos alone

I thought they are a nut?

you probably think peanuts are nuts too.

nope they are a drupe

What a load of dog shit. is cancer enough as is and I don't have a faceberg account. Any Forums is the closest I have to social media

that Roo has a pretty strong jaw there bros

They're a legume.

What are the benefits? Why should I choose pistachios over chia seeds or pumpkin seeds?

Soft punch. Pretty sure the bloke in the video died of cancer not too long after.

He barely hit him, would have used my legs and kicked his face with my boot.

Dsp chads help, whats the difference between the dsp and ndis? does the ndis just send you some tard wrangler to take you places? Im filling out the application for dsp right now because of muh social anxiety, depression and ocd

good for heart and blood pressure, if you're going keto, it's a great snack

I watched a documentary about kangaroos and I must say they're just niggers, simple as.
A huge male will flex and fight other males over pussy, but when dingos attack all of the niggeroos just scatter. The big muscular alpha runs like a bitch, females throw the babies out of their punches to distract the dingos. All flexing and no action, can't even stomp a fucking dingo dog.
The white man's spirit animal is the elephant. When danger strikes adults form a defense wall around little elephants. When crossing a river the adults yet again form a wall to prevent the kids from being swept by the current. Stomping faggot crocs and nigger lions. Remarkable memory. Mourning the dead. Remembering people who helped the elephants.

Attached: african-elephant-loxodonta-africana-calf-masai-mara-park-in-kenya-picture-id1262780463.jpg (1200x627, 167.95K)

have a link, i'd like to see pussy ass roos getting btfo

So here's the thing, I'm already eating almonds and walnuts, which do all that, I think.

also pistachios will fill you up quick, try to eat 30 of them, make sure to buy the shelled ones cause it gives your stomach and brain time to know you're full while you're trying to crack the fuckers open.

Based seed, legume and nut eaters.
Reject starch and sugar, embrace germ