New Meth

The reason we have schizophrenic homeless zombies plaguing every major city is because wetbacks are making meth with P2P, which causes the bums to become paranoid and brain damaged in a short period of time. The leftists all want to blame housing prices, lack of dem programs, and other sociological horseshit. Everybody ignores the fact that the meth all the bums are frying their brains and becoming a massive liability - a dystopian race of paranoid tent dwellers.

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And once again, the denial of reality makes it totally impossible to address the issue because our politicians don’t want to demonize the homeless - who are, ironically, fighting with imaginary demons in the street.

Where did drug cartels come from?
Would they arise in an "anarchist" or libertarian society like early America?

They are a result of the war on drugs. Prohibition causes gangs and more dangerous, mexican lab made drugs.

Correct. P2P meth used to be called “biker meth” and was considered shitty and dangerous. Now 96% of meth is P2P-based as a direct result of the DEA and Mexican government banning Ephedra

I don’t know. We’d probably still have OTC amphetamine.

This affects your rural hicks too, not just city faggots.

Back in the mid to late 80's when I enjoyed snorting crank you could tell the shit that was made from pesticides. It smelled like flea collars.

There was one time in 1990 when we got the best shit ever. Had to go to Houston to get it. We all went in to buy 2 oz of that shit. The most amazing dope ever. Tiny little line would keep you going for 24 hrs. Didn't stink or make you gag.
The good old days. whatever

Blaming it on the drugs to dehumanize, that's all you are doing.

I gave a homeless woman a ride to the food bank the other day and I asked her what drugs she did and she said “no heroin, just a little speed… you know, meth.” Like it was some casual thing. She then told be she was being gang stalked. These people don’t even realize the meth has become insanity fuel.

There really isn't anything wrong with meth though. The National Socialists used it a shit ton and all it did was increase performance. Meth heads are generally really cool people.

They are barely human at this point and it’s the drugs that made them homeless and unemployable so yes. Stop being a faggot.

Wtf is p2p nigger? explain kindly thank you.

Yes there is. New meth is not even the same drug, is heavily contaminated, and is smoked in crystal form, not taken in a small dose pill like Benzedrine in WWII

Short for phenyl-2-propanone, a chemical meth cooks use now because ephedrine is hard to get. I linked a video.

It is insanity fuel. Sleep deprivation is horrible torture. As good as good meth can be it leads to bad outcomes.

I can’t believe so many people defend meth on here. Can’t you guys get an adderall script like a white man?

Not (you) specifically

>a dystopian race of paranoid tent dwellers.
I hear Morrowind boss music around them

Psuedo speed really is the good shit though, you could party on that and not end up a junky



This is just fear-mongering bullshit.
The only difference between p2p meth and (pseudo)ephedrine meth is the former is racemic - both levo and dextro isomers of methamphetamine - whereas the latter is pure d isomer.
The l isomer is nothing but a decongestant and you can buy it over the counter in grocery stores. It's called "vick's inhaler".

There was no Adderall back then. And we weren't spergs. We just wanted speed.

that's like buying microwave dinners and complaining because 90% of the meat is onions protein extract

if you want premium drugs pay premium money

Where do you live where meth hasn’t turned the streets into an open-air asylum?

I see thanks for posting this is quite a situation indeed. I mean ffs can't we just try the fucking wall with lidar equipped drones running on ai? This shit is fucking brutal.

Only 4% of meth is ephedra bases according to DEA chemists.

With the asylums closed and cheap drugs causing permanent brain damage to them (and some posters in this thread), I doubt there’s going to be any solution

Tweekers are like that no matter how it was manufactured. Either way will make a product that keeps you awake for days on end.
I mean, if anything the racemic mixture would cause less problems since it is half non-psychoactive l-isomer.


Schizophrenics can be easily manipulated and indoctrinated. And thanks to 25 years or so of the internet, we have these psychos out there waited to get activated.

Drugs can be grown cheaply and by the ton. The only reason they are so expensive is prohibition. The only reason cartels are so powerful is because of the subsidized profits they make thanks to prohibition. It's the same reason the CIA won't ever let drugs be legal, their black budget funding dries up over night.

No prohibition, no cast profits. No extreme wealth, no private army of thugs, nor do you have reason to cultivate violence in the streets.

kek i was finishing up doing a job today and some crack head came around the corner went behind the garbage can(which was in full view of everyone) broad day light and got butt ass naked and changed clothes right in front of the store owner i just did the work for.

he looked at me and i looked back at him and just laughed this world is fucking done yo

It happens at a more accelerated pace now