Oh shit, it's the shooter in a MAGA hat and a weabboo meme pepe hoodie. I guess he was a Any Forums chud after all

Oh shit, it's the shooter in a MAGA hat and a weabboo meme pepe hoodie. I guess he was a Any Forums chud after all

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You couldn’t tell by looking at him?

he was a redditor who unironically supported Ukraine on his shitty rap accounts

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hello yes.
fbi open up

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Every leftist Discord, Twitch chat, or forum spams pepes even more than this board does.

Nah nigga, I own dat shit 2, there aint nutin wrong with the frogger nigga, or reppin 4 da bloods.

That frog meme is used by leftists and antifa too, not just fordchan

Oh shit, I'm bored if this fuck already.

Just waiting till media blackout on this shooting LMAO

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Glowniggers aren't even trying anymore. The psy-ops are getting dumber and dumber.


Wrong again, glowfag.

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All before the face tattoos and piercings and still only play acting.

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if you truly think anyone pro america would shoot up randoms celebrating a national holiday you really are stupid

right and they all use MAGA hats all over the left and bunkerchan and /leftiepol/ and leddit and tranniechan and he was just falseflagging at the MAGA rallies


Stop being a disingenuous retard. Obviously leftists don't wear MAGA hats but leftists do spam pepes all the time.

>Red hat means trump hat
If only it weren't backward, eh?

I hope the feds have their way with him and them someone stuck in the system looking to redeem themselves pays it forward. I also hope he finds god and peace

Any Forums has been openly hostile to the US for years. Especially the amerimutt posters